Also my body type was quite different, I had more of a man's body then men do themselves

I have more detailed abs than most guys, pretty big biceps, big veiny hands, etc.

I workout with chad so..

But I still didn't like being hit on by other people

"Someone call an ambulance" I heard Mindy said before I quickly grabbed the guy and snatched him away from Tara

"You can make me stutter? Well I can make you cry dumbass" I said holding him by the collar but backing up and punching him in the face, he underestimated my strength because he fell on the floor with a shocked look on his face

"You fucking-" I said while getting up and throwing a punch but I dodged him and elbowed him in the stomach as he bent down and groaned

"Game point" I said before standing him up and punching him square on the nose

I 100% broke it, I mean I felt something crack so..

He fell to the floor as blood gushed out his nose, I looked back at Tara who was still on the steps and looking shocked at what happened

I looked back and saw sam cursing the dude out before he tried standing up just to be tased in the balls

I love my sister-in-law

But then Sam went over to Tara as they started arguing, I sighed before heading outside, grabbing a drink on the way

I reached outside as I took a deep breath, taking in the midnight breeze

"Y/n-" I heard Tara behind me as I took the shot before looking back at her

"You wanna explain now or when you're more sober?" I asked

"Y/n I'm sorry I-" She was saying but I came over to her and stopped her

"No no, I'm not asking for an apology because you did nothing, I wanna know what he was trying to do to you and where he was taking you" I said as she looked up at me

"He offered me a drink but when I declined he started pushing himself on me. I told him I had a girlfriend which is when he apologized but asked me to come with him to get more alcohol, although I couldn't answer because he just started dragging me upstairs" She said

My blood boiled knowing that guy was trying to take advantage of her while she was so drunk to the point she barely knew what was right and wrong

I looked away trying to calm down my anger when a soft hand was placed on my cheek

"Hey it's okay, thankfully chad stopped him and you got there in time to beat the crap outta him" She said a bit tipsy before her eyes moved lower as well as her hand

"Hm but you were quite attractive protecting me" She said as her hand brushed along my abdomen, I chuckled and rolled my eyes

"And you are quite drunk out of your mind so it's time to go home and get some rest" I said which she gave me a frown

"I'm not that drunk but I wouldn't mind going back home, maybe we could have more fun there" She said while placing her hand on my belt

"No can do m'lady. You are way too drunk to be doing anything so how about we save the "fun" for another day" I said while fixing my hat, she chuckled before wrapping her arms around my neck

"Fine but I still get a kiss" She said

"Alright princess" I said in a chuckle before taking my hat off and leaning down for a kiss

"Tara it's time to-" We pulled away once we heard Sam talking but she stopped once she saw our position

"Ah so there you are" Sam said as I chuckled

"Yup but it's time to go home, also good going with the taser, shit was badass" I said making her laugh

"He was a dick" She said which I nodded

"So you went for it" I said earning another laugh

"Well it's time to go and since you can barely stand.." I said looking down at the girl in my arm before putting the cowboy hat that was in my hands on Tara

"..I'll carry you" I said before picking the girl up bridal style, her squealing happily while I did so

"I've missed you doing this" She said while fixing the hat on her head with a wide smile

"Ay the gays!" Chad said while coming out with Ethan

"And the other ones!" I said before Mindy and Anika came out

"Fuck you bitch. But we should go, the guy didn't seem happy about getting beat up then being tased in the balls" Mindy said while flipping me off

"Is she that drunk you have to carry her?" Anika asked while pointing to me and Tara

"No of course not" I said before nodding yes after Tara had turned to look at them, they chuckled before walking ahead

"Let's go my little pirate princess" I said while looking at the girl in my arms

"Let's go my attractive cowboy" She said before leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips

Oh this girl~


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