"Earth to Kyle?" I heard Stan say to me, snapping his fingers in my face. Holy shit, it's Stan!

"Oh um, yeah what is it??"

"Uh, lunch is over dude." He says plainly. I look around and see that we're the only ones left in the cafeteria, with the janitors.

"Oh, yeah, I knew that." I spoke with false confidence. Honestly, being alone with him made me really nervous, and sad too. Don't ask me why.

"Mhm whatever." He said walking away. He already threw his stuff away too.

"But are you alright?" He asks turning to me. It takes me a minute to decide whether I should tell the truth or lie. If I told the truth we'd be here forever.

"Yeah I'm fine man, why'd you ask?" Not like I just sat zoned out for the entirety of lunch. Thinking about you.

"Whatever you say." He states, clearly wanting to be done with the conversation, glancing everywhere but me. He turns around and starts to walk away

"Uhh, Stan!" I shout a bit too loud, "Wanna hang out.. after school?" I get a bit quieter as I say it. And I just watch him. He doesn't turn around he just stands there. I hope he's not trying to let me down the easy way, or the hard way.

"Sure, I don't see why not." He says after a millennium. Holy shit!

"Hell yeah!" I whisper.

"Hmm?" He asks.

"Oh nothing. My place after school?"

"Sure." He says with a smile I can see at the edge of his face as he walks away from me. Alright!

-last period, whoopee!-

"Cartman, Cartman!" I yell as I skip over to him, momentarily stopping him from entering the classroom.

"You look gayer than ever, Freddy Mercury." He snickers at his own joke.

"Shut up, I took your advice and he's coming to mine after school!" I say giddily, taking my seat next to him. If it was the 80's I would be laying on my stomach, on my bed, kicking my feet, twirling the phone line.

"Oh wow, now you just have to worry if he'll actually go or not." He joked. He joked. It was just a joke so play it off as one!

"Wow, thanks a lot, but he'll be walking with me so it won't matter." I smiled, nudging him in the arm playfully.

"Unless you can't find him cuz he's making out with Wendy somewhere!" He fucking joked again. Cartman makes really bad jokes.

"Alright class, settle down." Miss Choksondik announced. I looked over to Stan, he was passing notes to Wendy. I really, really hope he comes over. If he doesn't I might actually shoot myself. A little dramatic, I know, but hey, imagine if your crush could've shown up but didn't! You wouldn't be too happy would you?

I look at Stan again, he was laughing at something. Yes he's allowed to laugh at things other people had said, I'm not a psychopath, but he seemed happier than in the cafeteria. Even if I only saw a little bit of his smile.

He was happier with Wendy, that was the reality, but it was a horrible reality at that. I sound boy crazy, but I could care less.

I want to cry.

Never mind, I do care. Being boy crazy sounds ridiculous! My eyes agree with me and they start to tear up. I feel my heart get squeezed a little when Stan and Wendy start holding hands between the desks. Yep, right beside each other and they're passing notes like what they have to say is sooo secretive! I am so ridiculously boy crazy right now, maybe I should shoot myself.

"Miss Choksondik?" I ask raising my hand, using what little composure I have left to keep my voice steady. I see Stan in the corner of my eye glance over at me. He's so full of glances today huh?

"Yes Kyle?"

"May I use the restroom?"

"Sure but be quick, we don't have much time." We never have enough time cause as soon I as I stood up, the waterworks started.

I am so fucking ridiculous. Why am I even crying? Did Stan do something wrong? Or did I do something wrong? I'm pretty sure I'm just being over dramatic.

Wc: 1350
Do people even do word counts anymore? I swear, thats all i used to look forward to. Also sorry i made kyle so edgy lol, i didnt mean for that to happen, maybe its funny maybe its not, you tell me. There will probably be more words in future chapters btw, im just tired.

Getting over him. And failing. (style) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя