❀Hiking Out❀ 《Emily x Reader》

Start from the beginning

"Here!" Emily spoke, handing me one earphone, the other already in Emily's ear.

I placed it into my ear. The music filled the left side of my ear and was playing 'The Road', by Cocoon which gave me a rush of nostalgia.

"Isn't this from Road 96?" I asked, silently jamming along.

"Yeah! I thought it would be perfect." Emily smiled.

"We aren't on a road though... we're in a field." I laughed.

"Hush! It's still a great song for today." Emily giggled and started swaying to the music, I did the same as we walked along the bumpy dirt surface.

Song after song, we began slightly sweating from the amount of walking we were doing... and we weren't even at the hill yet.

"Here's the trail." Emily pointed.

"Time to start our adventure!" I exclaimed.

And like that, we began trailing up the path, through the hills. It wasn't too bad, however, I did almost slip a couple of times which made my grip on Emily's hand furthermore stronger. Emily didn't mind though. After a few breaks, we made it high onto the hill and stood between two trees, large trees.

"Wanna take a shortcut through the forest?" Emily suggested.

"A shortcut?" I said, out of breath, "Of course... anything for a shortcut."

Emily laughed as we strolled through the woods. We chatted for a while as we made our way past the branches - which almost hit me directly in the face. We spotted a log and decided to take a seat and have a lunch break.

"What did you bring?" Emily asked as I rooted through my bag.

"Sandwiches, chocolates, fruits..." I began listing everything I saw and placed them on the log between us. 

We began digging into our food. It felt like heaven. There was something so peaceful about eating in the middle of a beautifully lit forest on a log that was decorated with a few mushrooms at the lower ends. Birds happily chirping and the trees dancing in the wind. I hadn't even realised it yet but it was already 12. We had been so distracted with chatting, walking, and listening to music that we hadn't realised 3 hours had passed.

As I took a sip from my bottle, I realised it was near empty. Emily had realised the same.

"Oh no." I silently respond.

"It's ok! We'll be fine." Emily responded, optimistically.

I, again, trusted Emily and let that anxious thought escape from my mind as we viewed the forest and took in all of mother nature. It was truly beautiful.

"Hey, look!" Emily exclaimed, pointing towards a tree.

"Yeah... there's many of those," I replied, sarcastically.

"No, I mean just look!" Emily, again, pointed.

"I'm looking... and it just looks like a tree?" I replied, confused.

"It's the perfect tree to climb," Emily replied as she stood up and laid her bag on the ground.

"You're gonna climb that?" I asked.

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