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This chapter takes place in The Sorcerer's Stone  

N/N stands for nick name  

Songs Included In This Chapter: 

I Wanna Be Your Lover - Prince 

Come Together - The Beatles


I Wanna Be Your Lover-Prince

That was the song that was playing on your Walkman as you sat in the large compartment, waiting for the Hogwarts Express to start moving. 

Going against your mothers wishes, you packed the muggle device in your suitcase. If your stepfather found out you even had the Walkman in your possession, he would be furious and he would punish you severely. You shuddered at the thought. 

You were grateful you wouldn't see him for the next 9 months. 

I wanna be your lover 

I wanna be the only one that makes you come running

I wanna be your lover 

As you started to sing the chorus, the door to the compartment started to open. Panicking, you hurriedly took off the headset, and shoved it under your seat, not wanting anyone to see you with it. 

In the doorway stood a lanky boy who looked to be about 13, with dark hair and freckles. A Weasley, no doubt. You had heard your stepfather talk about the Weasleys in a way that made you blood boil. You personally had never met any of the Weasleys, but you knew enough about them just by how much your stepfather talked about them. 

"The wizarding world would be much better off without scum like the Weasleys. They're the biggest blood traitors out there. Lucious was saying that they need to be put in their place, and I one hundred percent agree." He would say. 

"Sorry to bother you, but have you seen a tarantula anywhere? A friend of mine brought it with him and now we can't find it." the red-haired boy said, eyeing where your Walkman sat under your seat. "Whatcha got there?"

"Uh nothing...and no I haven't seen a tarantula. Sorry." you said, gently kicking the headset further back. 

"I don't believe you in the slightest. Whatever it is, I promise I won't tell. I pinky promise." He said holding his pinky outstretched towards you. 

You giggled at the gesture "You should at least tell me your name before you start making serious promises like that."

"Oh of course, where are my manners," he said sitting down next to you. "I'm George Weasley. First year at Hogwarts?" he asked.

"I'm Y/N Witherford, and yeah it is." you said sheepishly. "I'm guessing it's your second year?"

"Third actually. Now show me what you're hiding under your seat pretty please."

"Fine. But you have to promise not tell anyone." 

"I pinky promise," he said extending his pinky out. You hesitantly interlocked your pinky with his. 

"This is so embarrassing," you muttered as you slowly started to get the Walkman from under your seat. 

"George? George! Where the bloody hell are you?" came a voice from the hallway.

"Ahh, that's my brother calling for me," he said as he got up. "Will you show me what it is another time?"

"If you play your cards right, maybe," you said, grinning up at him.

Sweet Dreams-George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now