"Ma! You were such a bad kid!" Carlos exclaimed.

"That's what happens when you're raised in an latinx neighborhood" she responded.

"OK! No more about the past. Carlos needs to get drunk!" Bri burst out of nowhere " Here. Three shots, and you must drink then back to back"

"You're a little too demanding, but I'll do it." taking one shot, then the second, and last "HHHhhhh" Carlos exhales with his tongue out trying to get rid of the burning sensation in his throat. Out of nowhere, Bri began smelling him for the millionth time today.

"By any chance there is a wolf in your family?" she asked.

"Wolf?" both Carlos and Yamaira ask her.

"I mean dogs. You know those dogs that look like wolfs" Bri clarify awkwardly

"No." Yamaira answered.

"Why do you ask?" Carlos curiously asked. Briana has been his best friend since freshman year of highschool and she should know that they didn't own any pets whatsoever.

"Nothing! What time is it?" She ignored his question.

"Two minutes till 11:30" Yamaira answered and Bri looked even more nervous. Ignoring her, both Yamaira and Carlos talk about her childhood a bit more until Bri stands up abruptly and looks at Carlos in shock.

"Are you all right?" she yelled at him.

"I should be the one asking you that," Carlos responded.

"I mean it!" She exclaim eagerly

"I feel a bit uncomfortable and sweaty but that should be from the alcohol?" Without giving him a reply , she stared out into space for a few minutes before saying.

"Help is on its way!"

"Help?" Both Carlos and Yamaira ask her in confusion.

"What time is it?" she ask again


"You will feel extreme pain in five minutes." Bri stated

"What! Why? What is wrong with you?" Carlos asks, questioning if she is sane.

"What is happening?" Yamaira said this time.

"It's a bit hard to explain this to you in five minutes but you need to take off your clothes!" Bri exclaimed.

"Are you drunk?" Carlos questions her.

"NO! NOW! do it"

"You want me?.....To take off my clothes?...... Here???" He gestured at their surroundings.

"Yes!" she then began pulling off my shirt."Do you want me to take off your pants too?"

"No!" Carlos stopped her. With no other choice, he took off his pants for some unknown reason. After being forced to take off his clothes, she drags him off the porch with a strength he didn't know she had and points to the floor.

"Sit."she commanded.

Shivering for the night cold air blowing against his bare skin Carlos snapped back "No! What am I a dog that your training?" Without warning, she kicked him in the back of his knee, forcing him to land on his knee on the moist cold grass instantly.

"What was that f-?!" Before he could finish what was being said, a pain shot through his back.

"What's going on?" Carlos heard his mom shouting

"This may come as a surprise but I need to help him. To do so I need to shift."

"Shift?" Yamaira question.

"I'm a werewolf." was the last thing Carlos heard as another pain shook through his body. Then it felt like a warm, fluffy blanket was wrapped around him taking the pain away slightly. But it didn't last long. The pain came back ten fold. Before he knew it, he could no longer feel the cold of the night on his skin, instead he was surrounded in more warmth. With his head now slightly relieved of the pain, he noticed that the fluffy warmth was coming from wolves that were surrounding him.

"Five more minutes and he will fully shift!" Carlos heard an unknown voice say.

'Shift? What does he mean? And why am I surrounded by wolves? What is happening to me?' Carlos thought in a panic.

Out of nowhere, a threatening low growl ripped through the air causing the wolf around him to run away.

"AAHHhhh!" he screamed out in pain once again. At once there was a huge blanket wrapped around him once again. The pain was way more tolerable now than earlier. Opening his eyes, there was a huge wolf wrapped around him but the funny thing is Carlos wasn't scared of it. If anything, he was more curious than anything. Looking around Carlos saw that there were about ten or eleven wolves around him and one person standing in between them.

"Two more minutes," the person said. Then what he saw scared the hell out of him causing him to stumble back. His hands and legs....was paws.....and fury? He couldn't think too long about it before the pain shot through his body once again and the wolf was surrounding him once again.

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