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The couple had just said goodbye to Trevors family, heading back to new York and getting on a flight to Toronto. The rest of the team was already there but Eakins had made an exception for Trevor so he could visit his family. They boarded the plane and sat in their first class seats, ready for the short flight up to Canada. Taylor was excited to go home and see her family after being in Anaheim for so long.

"Do you want to meet my family" she asked Trevor.

He looked over at her and rolled his eyes playfully, "is that even a question Taylor, of course I do". Trevor grabbed her hand and played with her fingers before seeing the ring on her finger.

"What is this" he asked.

"Oh I totally forgot to tell you, your mom proposed to me" she said showing off the ring.

"She gave you her favourite ring?" he said smiling.

"I guess so yeah, she is so nice Trev".

Trevor gave her a kiss before telling her how much his family loved her and couldn't wait to come see her when they visit Anaheim.

Taylor fell asleep on his shoulder shortly after they lifted off the ground. He woke her up gently when they had landed by giving her a kiss on her forehead. They walked off the plane and got into their separate Ubers since Taylor was going home and Trevor was going to the hotel his team was staying at. They gave each other a goodbye kiss before driving their separate ways.

30 minutes later Taylor arrived at her childhood home being greeted by her parents and family dog. Tears streamed from her eyes when she stepped out of the car, finally being able to see her family after so many months. Mason was coming over for dinner later to join them so Taylor got a few hours alone with her parents before then.

They walked into the house and sat in the couches, ready to update each other on whats been going on in their separate lives. Taylor couldn't wait to tell her family about Trevor and how they were dating, as well as how Sydney and Jamie were having a baby. Her parents were so happy to hear the news about her and Trevor, also excited about Sydney finally having a baby like she had talked about for years.

Taylors parents told her to invite Trevor over for dinner so they could get to know him better since he was family now after all.

private messages
Trev baby :)

hi trev
mason will be waiting for u at 4 with an uber, you guys are coming over for dinner

Trev baby :)
im nervous
what if your parents don't like me

shut up
they love you already okay

Trev baby :)
I love you

love you too dummy

Taylor helped her parents prep dinner and get everything ready before the boys came. The doorbell rang and Taylor ran to go open it, finding Trevor and Mason standing outside. Trevor was holding a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine, smiling when he saw his girlfriend. Mason ran inside to go see the family dog, before going and saying hi to his parents.

"Hi pretty girl" Trevor said giving her a kiss.

"Hi my love, you look yummy" she said closing the door behind him.

He took off his shoes and walked inside to go meet her parents. Trevor handed them the flowers and wine before giving them big hugs and introducing himself as both Masons teammate and Taylors boyfriend. He was given a warm welcome by both before going and sitting down at the table with Mason and Taylor.

They sat and enjoyed their dinner together making Trevor feel like a part of the family immediately. Taylors parents told him the story of how they met and how they found out the night before their wedding that they were pregnant with Taylor and Mason, one of the best surprises of all. Trevor told her parents about how he wanted to retire in his 30's so he could always be there for his kids and wife, being the best dad he could ever be. 

After dinner they had some dessert before Trevor and Mason had to head back to their hotel room to prep for the game tomorrow. Trevor thanked her parents for the dinner and for making him feel so welcome. Her dad gave him a big hug and told him he's welcome back anytime, even if Taylor wasn't with him. After they left Taylors dad turned and looked at her. 

"What is it dad" she said nervous.

"You better marry that guy kiddo, he is perfect for you".

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now