I'll be lying if I say I didn't feel bad and like a bitch after how I treated her. Too late anyways.

How could she give him her bracelet, to wear. Does it really mean nothing to her? Or did it just mean something to me, and not her, from the start?

It's almost been a month since my bday, things escalated too quickly after that day. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed. This overthinking is a bitch fr.

I'll make it up to her tonight. I clicked my tongue and made a sharp turn while driving.


Y/n's pov

Jungkook left in the morning, quickly after Taehyung. Taehyung didn't even give me a moment to explain myself. Bitch for a reason.

I went out for a walk. I really need to calm my brain down or else I'll end up cursing him even before he gets home through texts.

A put a strap on Yeontan, locked the door and went to nearest park.

After a few minutes of walking, I realised tannie got a lot slower and was breathing heavily so I picked him in my arms. "Is my baby tired hmm?"

Suddenly I felt someone bump into my back. My ass actually.

I turned around and looked down to find the same girl from the supermarket a few days back.

"Oh my god, hey honey! " I gave the smiling girl a big ass smile, Patting her cheek with my free hand. She just kept smiling.

"You live nearby?" Her mother asked me.

"Yes, 10 minute walk from here, why don't you both visit someday?" I asked the lady, and the kid looked at her mother with hopeful eyes. Adorable.

"I'd really love to, but I'm pretty busy, like always. Taking care of her, home and work you know" Lily just kept looking at us both.

"Her father, doesn't help?" I mean come on, that's the first thing which will pop up in anyone's head after what she said.

"Ah, no. I'm a single mother you see. She was co-" the lady looked at her child and then back at me, this time, she scooted near my ear and whispered so the kid couldn't hear her. "She was conceived by mistake. ONS."

I just made an 'Ahh okayy' face.
" You've any friends here? "
I wanted to get in a friend group so bad, Taehyung is rarely home, and I'm idle most of the times, having a few friends to chit chat and gossip won't be too bad right?

"As I said, too busy" she left a sad giggle.
"And on top of that I'm an orphan, so I've no relatives either, it's just me and my love" she looked at Lily and winked, lily TRIED to wink in return earning chuckles from us both.

"You really need a friend, what's your name again-"


" Yes, Linda. You know what, let's exchange our numbers. I'm sure I can be a decent friend to you. "

" That's so nice of you." She looked at Lily " someone got an aunt just now" Lily squealed and grabbed my finger jumping happily.

We sat in the park for awhile. Discussing our lives while lily and Yeontan had a great time playing fetch together.

Seems like just my life isn't hard, Linda is a strong woman. Nonetheless, she's been struggling happily because of her daughter, to give her everything she couldn't have. I think I finally myself a friend.


You've a text from 'Bitch'

Bitch: don't prepare dinner tonight.

Bitch: I'll be a little late, please try to stay awake if you can.

You: why would I listen to you?

Bitch: Because I love you. Xoxo.
Bitch: gotta go, byee.


Hey babies!! This chapter was more like a filler, I'm trying my best not to make filler chapters boring tho. 
They're important for the plot building you know?

And by the way, I'm working on a mafia book, will publish it soon after this one. Hope y'all give it love just like you give to this book xoxo <3

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