diaper shopping

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My mom and I have been driving for over half an hour to a big pharmacy a few cities away. In the regular pharmacies in our village, there aren't any swim diapers for teenagers. Which isn't surprising, but oh well.

We finally arrive at the store, which is huge. I get up and a little bit of pee streams into my freshly changed diaper. I'm wearing jeans and a tank top with no bra. You can kind of see the contour of my diaper and there is a little bit sticking out at the top, but I don't really mind because we're so far from home.

My tank top is kind of see through too, but I'm feeling great so I don't care. We walk into the pharmacy and grab a cart. We walk past some other isles too, we need some shampoo, shower gel, make up and then we're suddenly at the diaper isle.

There are a lot of different packs. Different sizes, different ages, different colours, everything is here. 'You can pick out some everyday ones and I will look for the swim ones, okay? If you're done here, just come over to me.' My mom walks away with the cart to the swim diapers, leaving me alone with the huge amount of packs.

I'm running out of diapers, so I will pick some new ones. For sure some thin ones if I want to wear something fitting, also some really thick ones for at home, some fun ones with little drawing on them and one other pack, I don't know which one yet, but I have the time.

I grab some thin white ones, big fluffy pink ones and light purple big ones all for age 14 to 16. I stare at the other packs for a long time, but decide to get some baby blue ones, really basic but they look soft. After I put all the packs under my arms I walk to my mom.

I put the packs in the cart and see my mom already threw in like four packs of swim diapers. 'I just want enough.' She smiles at me. 'Oh wait I forgot something!' She runs back to where I just was and comes back with two small packs.

'They're padding for in your diapers. We're going on a long drive to get to Italy and we really don't want you to wet the car, do you?'

I shake my head. 'Okay I guess.' She throws in the packs and we get some new baby cream and powder and then we walk to the check out.

The cashier looks at me a little weird but isn't really bothered. I sigh with relief and put the packs into two big bags, so no one will see anything when i'm outside. I put the bags in our car and wait for my mom.

'Okay honey, now let's go bathing suit shopping! Are you excited?'

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