A stupid rivalry



Team 7's captive was in the process of becoming a pancake against its owner's face.

"No wonder he ran away" Sasuke murmured shaking his head.

"Now then, for Squad 7's next mission we have several available tasks." The Third Hokage called to Squad 7 over the screams of the poor cat.

"Among them is, babysitting the chief-counsellor's toddler, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes at-"

"Can't we do a real mission?" Sakura interrupted, not wanting to do such a thing as digging potatoes in front of Sasuke.

Kakashi put on a belligerent face as Iruka jumped out of his seat and started yelling at the pinkette. "You're still a beginner ninja! All beginners have to start with easy missions first"

"But, Iruka-sensei" came Naruko's voice

Watching the scene Naruko smirked inwardly. Then crossing her legs in her chair, she looked up at the adults with an innocent damsel's look. "I thought we could do a mission with some more, action maybe?"

Sandaime blinked, holding his pipe. "Naru? You're still a recently-become genin, all beginners have to start with easy missions"

"I know buuut-" Slurring the end of her words Naruko glanced at Kakashi.

Kakashi cleared his throat, not knowing why he was clearing his throat. Naruko giggled "What about a mission like, escort maybe!"

This time her attention sifted to Iruka. "Well, u-umm" the man scratched the back of his neck, feeling nervous for some reason. "Maybe" he looked at the desk full of scrolls. "Maybe we have a C-rank mission here"

The third Hokage blinked. "Iruka? Why are-"

Naruko jumped out of her seat. "Really?" She looked adoringly at her former academy teacher. "Oh wow! Thanks so much Iruka-sensei! You're the best!"

Iruka sweated, his face reddening. "I.. Well, um- it's nothing Naruko" he stammered with an awkward chuckle. Sasuke glared at the man.

"Well" Kakashi spoke. "I wouldn't think of giving my students a C-rank so early" he remarked, tone unusually serious. Naruko blinked, she knew that tone. She looked at the man and suppressed a wince, she knew that look too.

What did she do to warrant her sensei's ire?

"Umm.. " Sakura backed against the wall nervously, feeling how pissed their team leader was. 

"What's the matter Kakashi?" Iruka asked, also looking pissed. Naruko stood to stand between Kakashi and Iruka just in case the two does something. "Iruka, they aren't your students anymore, so don't interfere"

"I'll interfere with what I think is right, Kakashi and I think you're just wasting their blossoming potential, especially Naruko's!"

"Mind saying that again?" Kakashi challenged, raising a brow, a growing escaping his mouth.

There was a tense silence in the office. The three genin were frozen. Naruko was worried, Sasuke was confused, Sakura was nervous, and the Hokage was watching this display with an expression that just said "what the hell?"

"Kakashi, Iruka" The Hokage cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "What, ARE you doing?"

Both teachers nearly flinched, as if the strange spell that had been looming on them has broken. They both cleared their throats embarrassingly.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" Sighing inwardly Kakashi ruffled his own hair, taking a glance at Naruko, he saw she still looked concerned.

"Very well, team 7" The third picked up another scroll.

Naruko allowed herself to breathe a small sigh of relief. She'd gotten the C-rank mission to Wave. Good.

But still she couldn't stop wondering what the hell just happened three seconds ago? Why did Iruka and Kakashi look like they were about to fight?

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