ch 8 Betrayal......

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Hans was there smiling that delights of Normal people but Hans were facing to Masterful Assassin and Totured

Both Molan-Duo were on Guard on Hans since his appearance isn't his Natural one and His Aura is more Twisted in anything Both Molan-Duo had Sense

Hans:Oh That Rude know isn't it I thought you guys thought of Me of sheep I guess not.......
Hans pouted acting childish but more of Lolbit side than of Hans Side of course Hans was in control he just Taking Lolbit Persona with him

Ron:It seems the Sheep Revealed himself to be Cunning fox........
Ron was quickly in position he had two of his hidden daggers right on his Sleeves and was already in stance

Hans:Pfft, Old Man your messing with Virus
Hans eyes Glowed purple and a Snap of his Finger Ron was in A Trance he was mind Controlled

Beacrox notice father drop his Daggers all of a sudden

Beacrox quickly went to His father and look at his face his eyes aren't Normal it was like he was mind control like in a Trance that he could never get outs of

Beacrox:What did you do!?
Beacrox had Furious eyes and was also gritting his teeth but he did not look at Hans because he knows he will be in a Same trance as his Father is and so he Close his eyes not looking at Hans at all

Hans look bit surprised since His Loved had already figured out that he needs eye contact for him to take control

Hans:Woah!? you already figured out how surprising!!
Hans step by step walk over to Beacrox who was cleching his father to snap out of it but couldn't since he was already in a Trance so he Close his eyes but he can hear that Hans steps getting closer

Hans Eyes Glowing purple waiting for Beacrox to open his eyes
Hans but his hand on Beacrox Cheek making Beacrox Flinch in the process

Hans:look at me.........
Hans was holding Beacrox check and was quite satisfied that Beacrox face turn to face him but his eyes were close as a sloth

Hans:I see you wouldn't look at me after all this, Isn't my first time wiping your memories before........
Hans lip turn when he whisper quickly to the Stressful Beacrox

Beacrox opened his eyes in shock not realizing that Hans had smirk and was exactly the opportunity for Hans to Control him

Beacrox eyes were no longer had life he was already in a Trance just like his father who was right there his eyes that have no Human life

Hans than let go of Beacrox check and quickly float to Beacrox height level
Hans:Yes it is true, I did erase your memories and place them with knew ones...............

'In truth you found out completely on accident'

2 weeks Ago..........

Hans was actually piss off by a Damn Senior maid so he killed her off without anyone knowing

Hans:Pft Hahaha, How refreshing indeed!
Hans eyes were Glowing purple and the maid's body had bleeding Eyes, nose, ears and Mouth

Hans was looking at her lifeless body refreshingly and so Hans had to do the unfunny part of Killing which was cleaning but it was good thing he had prepared since she was already Under a Trash bag floor under her and no blood was spilled on the floor not even once

Hans quickly gotten to work and wrap the body up and put it in the wine cellar since nobody will be ever to find the sense of blood due to the the strong scent of wine that was accidentally or purposely spilled in the wine cellar by Hans himself earlier

Hans was actually planning on throwing the Body outside the Villa at night when everyone was asleep of course if someone was awake at night Cale or Saint Jack will just make some noise telling that they were Hungry or something or just Mind controlling and forgetting what they just saw

Hans was done cleaning up mess he made untill Beacrox walk pass by him
Hans:Oh Beacrox uh sorry about this but I accidentally spilled some Wine on the Wine Cellar
Hans acted sheepishly so he would not get suspicious

Beacrox didn't look at Hans and just continue on what he was doing getting wine in the Cellar since he need it for his Recipe

Beacrox went inside the wine cellar and look around to see which wine was right for the job untill he saw it last bottle on top of a high shelf

But it wasn't a problem for Beacrox since he was quite tall for himself he easily grab it without struggle but what happened next unexpected

Beacrox step on to some red liquid that Beacrox assume that it was wine that Hans didn't seem to have notice that spot of Red liquid

Beacrox put the wine bottle to an empty shelf and bend down to realize it was not wine but blood it was hard to distinguish it because of the Strong scent of spilled wine

Beacrox look down at the Blood and there was more to the side of creates

It was a Big wrap Black plastic Garbage bag the Beacrox became very cautious in looking on the shape of how it was wrap so he move the creates to See the whole Wrap up Garbage bag

Beacrox crouch down to see the black garbage bag that was bleeding Of course Beacrox knows it's a body since of it's shape and how it was covered

Beacrox remove the cover of the body to see a Familiar Senior maid that work in the Villa but why this maid though because Beacrox knows that maid didn't do anything unpleasant things the only thing she did was having a Crush on him that did cause him displeasure but not enough to actually kill her off

Beacrox than Stand up than look in the Wine cellar all around before once again thinking

Beacrox:Am Guessing Hans wouldn't have guess there was a Dead body here but the Body looks Seemly fresh so she was killed not long ago maybe an Hour or so...........
Beacrox was having an impression that Hans killed her but he couldn't imagine Hans Killing here at all

But then someone's Voice came into hearing
Hans: Sorry Beacrox have to do this
Hans was floating on the ceiling making Beacrox have Widened eyes but couldn't keep it long due to Hans Mind Control

End of Flash back.........

Cale:So Ron and Beacrox found out huh?.........
Cale came in the Kitchen without less care that Hans was Hugging a Trance Beacrox chest

Hans:How did you know I was in the kitchen, I clearly didn't know you could track someone that didn't have smell?
Hans who was still hugging Beacrox but his appearance change Normal but his eyes were still glowing purple

Cale:Heard from Simon
Cale didn't bother on what was going on here but just grabbed an apple on the Fruit basket

Hans:I see.......
Hans just look around to see a Suspicious Pink Cupcake in a High cabinet that was slightly opened

But Cale and Hans both sense someone hiding behind a Door different to the one that Cale entered at all

Choi han was actually person Hiding behind the door of the different kitchen door he knows he was Banned in the kitchen but he was still able to go and get some grump after a daily spar with Hannah after breakfast just to get something to eat

Choi han was breathing heavily he was completely shock on Hans Abilities of mind control and Cale-nim not even bother that Hans had alter Beacrox and Ron's memory without care

Thank you for reading
Words 1297

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