ch 6 Normal?

431 29 17

(warning Rape being Mentioned or Sexual Harassment ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️)

Hans Who was known as Lolbit He was not animatronic he was a Virus for Animatronics and Human Minds

Hans well known Ability is Memory Manipulation can Manipulate ones Memory and Can alter it as he wishes

During the incident last night Hans Alter everyone memory in the party except The Nightmare Animatronics which were of course
Cale, Bud, Saint Jack and Taylor

Everything went back to


During the End of the party Cale Got scolded by Taylor, Hans, Bud and Saint Jack but mostly it was Taylor being the most mad one out of all of them

But the all them did agree on one thing never Skip your Damn Check up because in the future this might happen again


Cale was having a Nice normal Breakfast everything and Everyone was normal nobody remember the incident last night so it should be fine

Cale who was eating with his Family were mostly consisted with On, Hong, Raon, Choi han, Rosalyn, Eruhaben, Hannah, Mary, Saint Jack

Raon:Weak Human How was the Party??
Raon ask in a Cheerful Voice

Rosalyn:The Party......Now That I Think about it my Memory feels a Bit off Lately......
Rosalyn Wasn't Feeling good since this morning

Choi han:Now that You think about Mis Rosalyn I have been also having that Feeling that My Memory is bit fussy

Hannah:Yours Too!?
Hannah completely stand up in surprised when she heard that Rosalyn and Choi han Memories were Fussy so did her memories for some reason

Saint Jack who heard her Sister Shout just side glance at Cale to do something right now

Hong: Really Can you Remember what happened to the party Than??
Hong had a Questionable face

Raon:Human Do you know anything?
Raon Flap his wings and right Infront of Cale who was Chewing some normal Meat........

Cale than gulp it From Nervousness but he didn't show it but Saint Jack knew that Cale was Completely having Anxiety at this

Cale:I don't know Raon My Memory seems Completely Fine
Cale just Shrugged it off like everyone was being paranoid

Saint Jack:Well mine is quite Fuzzy same as my sister's but I believe in Cale-nim
Saint Jack had once more made an Innocent Smile that everyone knew but Cale Just Flinch at his smile

Because he knows Very well that innocent face was nothing for Show.......


Bud was drinking once more full his heart content forgetting the incident last night

But Glenn who was there gripping his head because he couldn't remember anything again!?

Glenn who woke up on his bed next morning Felt Deja Vu for the first time like something like this has Happened before

Bud who was drinking stop and Look at Glenn was grabbing his hair with force

Bud:Hey Glenn what's Wrong!?
Bud Seemly look a bit surprised at Glenn behavior but already knows why he was acting like this because his Mind was already been tampered Before

Glenn:Oh It's nothing
Glenn than let go of his hair that was now a Mess and then question Bud about the Banquet last night

Glenn:Do remember anything about last night Bud do you?
Glenn look at Bud with a Glare that made Bud shiver in fear of being found out so bud made a Quick excuse

Bud:You Know me Glenn, I won't be able remember anything since I was sober last night, I am pretty sure you were drunk aswell so I think it was just you being drunk.
Bud Just Said that statement with a Face that made Glenn annoyed yet blush at the same time

Glenn:Argh I forgot that you were annoying
Glenn scoffed at this since that wasn't really helpful although what was that sense of Deja Vu though

Bud than had Sad Face saying Glenn how could you am Best friend,

"Best friend that you Rape 3 Weeks ago!? literally in the afternoon but I guess you don't remember because during that very same day was when the incident that you discovered my Dead body"

Bud was just Remembering that very memory although it was quite sad he had forgotten it, since he could tease Glenn about it though


Taylor on the other hand was just Chatting with some Nobles about some important matters but everyone didn't seem to remember anything lately that was good but the only person that worried him the most was Cage of all people

Flash back

During the early in the Morning before 7 even started Cage barge into Taylor room that shock Taylor the most since would usually wake up at around 8 or something

Cage was having a Serious headache not from the Lord but from a Fuzzy memory that didn't seem to get off her mind

Cage:Taylor this Headache isn't letting me have a Break
Cage was frustrated as Screaming Chicken that didn't have a Good Morning

Taylor:It probably Just Some Hangover Cage remember you drink allot last night
Taylor was trying calm down The Frustrated Cage but in truth his Animatronic Fred bear wanted Cage Dead because she was annoying but Taylor did Agreed to that not even one bit

Hans was having a Crisis that meant Beacrox being horny all of a Sudden and pinning him down on the floor in Winery Area which was the basement that nobody could hear his screams

Hans was Completely horrified yet Excited on what was happening well actually Lolbit was............

Lolbit:Omg -_)$+$( He is Gonna Sexually Harass +_+$($)$+ or Sexually-_(+_ Rape
Lolbit was completely lustful on this

Hans just Ignored his other self opinion at this outrageous situation

Hans:💭That is not Helping at all LolBit!?!
Hans just had A Shock Expression of Being like a terrified Sheep that Beacrox somehow adored for some reason.

Beacrox had lust in his eyes for enduring such a Harmless prey roaming around the whole Villa

Beacrox had endured so many times of Hans trying to talk to him because

He was a Wolf lusting over his prey...

Beacrox lean in to Han's Neck That had the smell of peaches that made Beacrox even more addicting to Hans

So Beacrox Who had only one set of pair of gloves on his hands Remove the tie of Hans Butler Uniform
That made Hans Flinch a Bit making him squint an Eye

Hans: Beacrox...........
Hans who now realize that Beacrox remove his Tie and Unbuttoning his shirt to make a Hickey or should I say Kiss mark on his Neck

(I don't even know How to make these scenes lol I am Literally 13 making this God I am Really Unholy here)

Hans who notice something up above had widened eyes when he saw a Cupcake animatronic on top of Some Wine Barrels looking absolutely shock and disturb

Saint Jack just had his Jaw Dropped while he and Cale were walking together

Saint Jack:Hans Is Just being Rape at the Wine Cellar by Beacrox
Saint Jack just widened eyes while looking at Unholy scene that was happening

Cale: Excuse me What!?!
Cale look absolutely shock at what Saint Jack just Blurrted out all of a Sudden

Know back to Hans and Beacrox

Hans:💭Oh You gotten shit kidding me Simon knows oh Come on Next time when I go alone with Beacrox doing this to me I should probably Just knock out all of the Cupcakes that roaming around here

Beacrox did not sense the other creature behind him because it was hiding it's Presence very well and it was Hiding in plain sight but Hans Notice since he is a Virus not Human

Thank you for reading
Words 1272

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