ch 4 Malfunction!?

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Taylor who was Raising his Glass High notice something wasn't right his Sense something was about to happened
Taylor:💭 Someone's Malfunctioning but who!? we literally had a Check up 1 weeks ago!?

Taylor, Cale, Bud, and Saint Jack would always Had Check Up 1 time a month for any case of malfunctioning of Thier animatronics

Taylor look around left and Right in a Hurry while Walking around in a Fast pace he first reach Saint Jack who was standing next to Rex

Taylor:Jack Someone is Malfunctioning I can Sense it but I don't know who malfunctioning since their to far apart
Taylor whispered into Saint Jack ear

Saint Jack had widened eyes of terror when he had heard that whisper and Rex who was beside them look at them with a Questioning gaze

Hans who notice the Terror and Worried Eyes of Taylor and Saint Jack quickly used Telepathy while slowly hovering above Taylor who was walking in a Fast Pace

Hans:Fredrick what's Wrong?
Hans had a Nervous crack Voice when he had use his telepathy on Taylor

Taylor: Someone malfunctioning but I am hopping it not what am guessing
Taylor who look more afraid still kept Smiling at the crowd as he Passes them

Hans:Wait during the The Check up the only person that didn't get a Check up was Cale!!!!
Hans look terrified and quickly went over to where Cale was

Taylor:💭Goddamit why do have to be so slow!?
Taylor who animatronic was Nightmare fred bear was actually one of the slowest animatronics in the Nightmare fraction since he was a Heavy tanker

Saint Jack quickly went to Bud who was drinking the whisk in a Full Gulp suddenly gotten Starteld by a Sudden Telepathy

Saint Jack:Hey Bud I think Cale Having Malfunction!
Saint Jack said that in a Hurry voice while Running towards the throne area where Cale was

Bud accidentally choke on the Whisk he was drinking
Bud:What!? This is Great another Problem
Bud put down the Glass that still had a little bit of whisk in it

Glenn who saw Bud Choke on the Whisk all of a Sudden
Glenn:Hey I told you not to drink it that Fast!
Glenn than rolled his eyes again

Bud:Haha Sorry Glenn but I need to do something important see ya!
Bud quickly sweep away from the crowd and went to Cale direction

Taylor:💭Come on Come on!?! hurry!!!
Taylor was not walking anymore but running

Cale on the other hand felt a Slight glitch on his back all of sudden
Cale who had his Glass up suddenly saw a Drip of blood coming from his fore head

Alberu who once again look at Cale direction Finally had widened eyes
Alberu who had Shock and Terrified expression

Choi han who was next Cale
Choi han: CALE-NIM Your Bleeding!?!
Choi han who had Widened eyes from shock tried to grab Cale but Cale push him out of the way

Saint Jack:💭NOOO God damnit it already started
Saint Jack was the first person to get Thier was already seeing the looks of other Nobles who are In shock

Bud Who came next Had horror in his eyes
Bud who can hear the other people in Cale Group coming this way on what was going on

Hans who was invisible saw everything unfold right Infront of his eyes
Hans:💭This is A Real Bad idea from the start
Hans you gotten a Sharp Dagger that had some Sleeping medicine on it

Taylor who was finally Thier already knows what gonna happened but they also have to keep the other People in the Whole Banquet Hall Safe But they can't do that anonymously.........

Cale who was know bleeding all over open bleeding scars revealing from Head to Toe
Cale:💭Thank goodness the Kids aren't here.......

Choi han:Cale-nim What Wrong!?
Choi han was tearing up Why did Cale push him away

Ron who came Thier Lightning speed when he heard the Commotion
Ron:Young Master-nim we should take to the physician......

Cale who shouted started to act weird his Nails have sharpened into claws his teeth into Fangs

Cale was no longer Thier but His Berserk state has Just began
Cale who smiled Completely letting everyone in the Room look Scared and terrified

Rosalyn, Hannah, Mary, Litana,Witiria, Jopis, Valentino, Rex, Glenn, Eric, Cage, Amiru, Gilbert suddenly rush to the scene of Frightened Nobles

Ron and Alberu had widened eyes of the sudden Change of Aura

Alberu: Dongseang what Wrong!?
Alberu couldn't figure out why Cale bleeding and yet Smiling so creepy he had never seen his Dongseang smile like that before

Rosalyn:Alberu what Going on To Young master Cale!?
Rosalyn who was shock by the state of what Cale is in ask Alberu
But she could clearly See Alberu Expression shock aswell

Hannah:What The Hell Is Going On!!?!
Hannah who had Widened eyes in shock actually everyone that had rush into the scene had the same expression as Hannah and Everyone else in the Banquet Hall

Cale than opened his eyes to Reveal everyone his Golden Eyes same as the Ancient Golden Dragon piercing Eyes

Ron:💭 Dose aren't Puppy young master eyes
Ron suddenly stand on guard at first he was shock he didn't suspect Cale would suddenly bleed and now this

Cale that Said that Word that made everyone confused but they couldn't be confused for long since Cale Suddenly Leap In Front of Alberu with Such Abnormal Speed.

Alberu quickly Close his eyes but then Saint Jack quickly intercept and Block the Sudden Hand or should I say Claw

Alberu once again Opened his Eyes by a Sudden Saint Blocking the attack by his Right arm

Hannah had widened eyes of terror

Saint Jack:Ugh don't worry Hannah, Am Fine, Cale isn't himself right now!
Saint Jack said that while Shaking off Cale Hand or Claw making Cale Jump Back

Choi han:What do you mean Cale-nim is not himself!?!
Choi han Said that with Worried and Anxious eyes

Rosalyn:Not Himself.............
Rosalyn suddenly had gotten cut off by the sudden wind impact of Saint Jack Running towards Cale

Saint Jack block another attack from Cale which was surprisingly a High kick to the Head

Hans:💭Shit The only problem is that Nightmare Foxy Is one of the Fastest ones in the Nightmare fraction and Nightmare Chika is the Second Fastest but comes into this is Thier rank of Abilities

Hans who has been trying to grab Cale but miserably Failed at every attempt because of their fast speed

Bud and Taylor who were watching look a Bit Desperate at this point but both of them are not capable of matching Nightmare Foxy nor Nightmare Chika Speed

Bud was good at Hearing mostly his Senses while Taylor was good at endurance

Thank you for reading
Words 1154

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