Chapter 11

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Hinata's POV

"Ms. Hyuga, you should take some rest and go to sleep". I sigh and close the book I was currently reading and look at the red robot in front of me "and why do you think I need sleep?". "Your dark circles are all you need to say just how sleep deprived you are" he says nonchalantly. "Well my man isn't here to prevent my nightmares so I'd rather stay awake than suffer in my sleep" I open the book again and continue reading.

"May I know why you suffer from nightmares Ms. Hyuga" he spoke after a few minutes of silence. "I haven't moved on from my home Vision and please call me Hinata, even Hina is fine, if you consider me your friend" I see the corner of his lips tuck up slightly and smile myself. "Home? Isn't this your home?"

I stop reading the book and close my eyes for a while. Man hit a nerve there. "My home is back at Konoha. This compound we've recently moved into can't be called a home. A home is not a house V..... Home is where all your loved ones are, your family. My home was with my father, sister, cousin and others from my clan".

He observed me and listened quietly. He didn't really have much human emotions like us but he seemed to be developing some. "I don't have father, sister or anyone. Am I homeless?" He asks curiously making me chuckle "in that case, your home is where your heart belongs. You like Wanda, don't you? So you might get the feeling of being at home, being at peace when you're with her".

For the first time since we've met, Vision had no response. He would usually come up with quick responses but this time he was quite for a long time. I had already gone back to reading. The book I was reading was about some wizard kid named Harry. Natasha suggested me the book. "Then I should make her feel at home with me" Vision gets up and walks to the kitchen with a small smile on his lips.

After about an hour I keep the book on the table and walk to the kitchen to see Wanda smiling while leaning on the counter and Vision setting up four plates on the table. "Did you just learn to cook?" I ask surprised and sit on a chair. Wanda sits in front of me and Vision nods "thought it would help improve our mood".

I chuckle and call for Pietro. I feel a gush of wind and there he was sitting beside me. "What would you do if you were told to live without using your powers for 24 hours?" I raise an eyebrow. He dramatically slides down the chair and holds his chest "I would die". Just get back on your seat and eat before it gets cold" Wanda scolds him and we all eat in silence.

After lunch me and Pietro were sitting on the couch scrolling through the movie list. I hear the door open and someone walk in. Activating Byakugan, I see Clint walk in and set up two arrows in the living room then start talking to Wanda. Walking towards them, avoiding stepping between the arrows, I raise an eyebrow "I thought you retired." He shrugs "Captain called. We need to help him escape with the winter soldier". I frown "does this mean trouble?". "You can say that" Clint shrugs. Vision flies through the wall and was about to speak but the arrows held him into a field of electricity.

Clint was trying to convince Wanda and Vision got enough time to break free. He holds Clint in a head lock and I whisper to Wanda "I think we should go". She nods and gets Vision off Clint and takes him down.


I sigh getting into the truck and look at the man sleeping in the back seat. Clint said he would be useful. "Well our team does seem stronger. I hope to see you use that thing where two lions form on your fist" Wanda grins. I shake my head smiling "I'll fight if I feel like it, no promises"


I had been observing their fight from the roof of a building. I never thought things would turn out like this. There were a few people I didn't recognise. A man in black suit, a man with a metal arm, a man swinging around the place and finally the man who was sleeping in the backseat. Steve hadn't noticed me, only the ones who were up in the air saw me.

I jump off the roof, my Byakugan activated and walk into the shelter to see Natasha standing there in front of the jet. "Nice to see you Nat. I hope I won't have to fight you" I say looking ahead, Steve and the metal arm guy dashing towards the shelter. She chuckles "I won't interfere"

I nod and look at the two slide in, shock written over Steve's face and the other guy ready to fight. "As much as I'm angry at you for leaving without a word....get going" I nod towards the jet and walk towards the black suit guy who just dashed in. "I won't let you go" the man growls and charges at metal arm guy but I jump in between, slamming my palm right onto his sternum "not on my watch".

The man coughs and charges at me, with me avoiding his attacks. My attention diverted towards the sound of engine starting which led to me being slammed to the ground and two cuts across my cheek. I whine and get up "not fair!". I glare at him and extend my arm "lock on". In one Swift move, he was slammed against the wall and his eyes rolled back. I wipe the blood off my cheek and look up at Steve. He gave me an apologetic look and took off.

A Second Chance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora