☆ Chapter 7 ☆

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This new place felt cold. It felt empty. There were more animtronics, but unlike Fredbear and Bonnie, everyone was so distant to each other.

Every animtronic appeared very self-centered and independent. Apparently, even performing together all at once would be a rare occurrence, and all of them usually stayed within their own areas after closing.

Bonnie was curious about this place, however. He wanted to scope it out and know this new home well, which he felt could help him prepare for another instance like Fredbear's Family Diner.

Through a vent, he made it to a large party room with a stage, almost like the old place. The stage, however, was small and could only fit one or two animatronics at once.

Bonnie caught sight of another animatronic nearby lounging on the stage. He immediately recognized the fox animtronic from the posters. Putting on his best smile, Bonnie approached casually.

"Hey, you must be Foxy!" He exclaimed. When the bunny got close to his feet, the fox screamed out in alarm and stood up abruptly before glaring at the bunny in annoyance.

"What are you doing here??" Foxy groaned.

"I was just...stopping by, I guess..." the bunny answered, gesturing to the stage to his side.

The fox caught on to what he was trying to convey and sighed. He begrudgingly lifted the bunny onto the stage and sat by him.

"It's not safe to be snooping around here, y'know." Foxy began.

The bunny just sighed. "Well... I'm just worried about what happened last time..."

"Last time?" The fox blinked in confusion. Bonnie brushed it off.

"Don't worry about it..." He said. The fox rolled his eyes and turned away.

"...hey, but maybe we can be friends-?" The bunny offered. The fox scoffed at his offer.

"And what will I gain from being friends with you?" He asked. The bunny groaned.

"I was just offering it...I can leave though -" He insisted. The fox shook his head.

"It's just odd...whatever your name is, is out without you're puppeteer." He huffed.

"I am not his puppet." Bonnie warned. When Foxy blinked confusedly, the bunny elaborated.

"I mean metaphorically! We're equals. He doesn't have any control over me." He corrected. The fox sighed but nodded in understanding.

"Well, why would you come wandering into my zone?" Foxy asked with an eyebrow raised. Bonnie lifted both of his hands in defeat.

"If you really don't want company, I can leave -" He offered, looking for a way off the stage.

"W-wait-!" Foxy was cut off by voices further down the hall and the sound of wheels.

The fox and bunny shared equally curious glances towards each other. Foxy picked Bonnie up carefully and jogged towards the exit to peek out.

"She didn't last very long -" a voice laughed.

"Yeah...well, she's not gonna' be very well-liked anyway." The other said indifferently, wheeling an animatronic off.

The animatronic, in question was Chica, another one of the newer cast. When the voices got closer, Foxy quickly pulled the bunny back in, hiding with his back against the wall until they left again.

When the coast was clear, Foxy finally placed a hand over his mouth in horror, glancing at Bonnie, who had an equally worried face.

"Where are they even taking her??" Foxy asked.

"They... might be recalling her." Bonnie said somberly.

"R-recall?!" The fox asked incredulously.

"They're going to change her to make her 'better for guests' or get rid of her! It happened to Freddy, and it can happen to any of us!" Bonnie warned. The fox's face contorted as more fear struck across his face.

"W-what do we do?? How do you avoid being 'recalled??" Foxy asked frantically. Bonnie shrugged.

"I don't know, just stick to your best behavior!" He said. The fox thought for a moment before groaning.

"If we stick together, can it increase our chances of making it??" He asked. The bunny thought for a moment.

"Maybe... I guess it would look good the more everyone got along." Bonnie decided. The fox sighed and let his hand out for the bunny.

"Then truce?" He offered. Bonnie smiled and shook his hand back.



Day one, and already down one animatronic. Chica was unfortunately recalled before she even made it to the stage. No one even got a chance to know her.

The disappearance did, however, scare the other animatronics.

After a few hours of exploring, Bonnie finally made his way back to the resting Freddy. He felt pretty content as he made a new friend that was not Fred, but the thought of going back to the bear made his whole body hurt.

He stopped to take a good look at the bear before sighing sadly and carefully climbing back up so as not to wake him. Unfortunately, when he connected himself again, the bear was abruptly awoken.

The bear was always very aware in rest mode, but now he had woken so abruptly it made the bunny jump.

"WHO'S THERE?!" He demanded.

"It's just me, Fred-" He groaned. The bear turned him and visibly relaxed.

"Where were you?? I didn't even know you left!" He asked. Bonnie just shrugged.

"I was just exploring...didn't want to wake you..." the bunny muttered, avoiding eye contact.

His partner was back, but...it was like he was an entirely new animatronic. This didn't seem like Fredbear at all.

He would still look out for him, though. Even if his partner was never the same, the thought of another horrifying experience like that happening just shook the bunny to his core.

The bunny shook his head to escape his melancholy thoughts and turned to Freddy again.

"Have you been resting well? I know you have trouble." He smiled, placing a comforting hand on his cheek. Freddy immediately heated up at the contact and grew sheepish.

"Y-yeah...I slept ok!" He laughed nervously. Bonnie couldn't help but giggle, momentarily feeling a nostalgic joy. Getting the bear so shy and nervous was something Bonnie would always enjoy.

"But we should get some rest again, Freddy. Gotta' have a lot of energy for tomorrow." He reprimanded.

"Oh! Yes, right-" the bear realized, turning ahead again.

"Goodnight, Bon-bon!" He giggled. The bunny turned to him abruptly, caught entirely off guard by the nickname.

The bear had already shut his eyes to prepare for shutting down, leaving Bonnie stunned.

When he recovered from his shock, he just laughed humorously and glanced down again, feeling oil build up in his eyes.

Bonnie knew Freddy had a strong interest in him, not exactly knowing what it was. And yet, seeing Freddy acting that way even now just felt... wrong to him.

He still was not even sure this was the same Freddy! But, he did not have the heart to correct him. He merely prepared to shut off himself.

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