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School had finally ended, y/n was walking alone since Ganyu had to go in a student council meeting

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School had finally ended, y/n was walking alone since Ganyu had to go in a student council meeting. Y/n wanted to walk with xiao but he was no where to be seen.

She walk the same street that she always took but she saw a dark alley and decided to walk since it was a short cut.

It was quiet for a bit, a small puddle of water was everywhere. There was barely any sunlight showing.

Y/n hear people talking and quickly look around to see anywhere for her to hide. There were two trash bins and she ran behind it. Up front was the same three guys talking to each other.

"I can't believe you two just left me alone!" The tall one shouted at his friends.

"We're sorry but you know how xiao is. Theres a lot of rumors of him being a monster"

As they were talking, y/n quietly pull out her phone to start recording. She carefully made sure her phone can't be seen from them.

She was struggling to get it an right angle, behind the three guys was someone with a demon mask, a spear in the hand with a black hoodie on and black pants.

Y/n slowly watching the figure walking towards the guys.

"Hey! What do think you're doing?!" One of his friends pointed him as the tall one turn around.

"I'm going to kill you three" he mumbled at them but y/n couldn't hear him at all.

"Huh?! What did yo-"

Suddenly an arm fell to the ground and ton of blood came out. The one with the mask, with a blink of an eye, the tall one had lost his arm.

"AHHH!" He shouted as he felt the blood coming out where his arm used to be.

Y/n was stunned but also terrify what she just saw

Soon the killer grab his spear and stab him in the back. The other two slowly tried to run for it but the killer took out his spear from the dead body and teleport right in front of them and the spear came right at the center of the head.

Y/n quickly grab her phone and tried to walk away from the area and decided to take a right.

She didn't saw what happened to the last one but her mind told her to start running and she did but trip on something and made the trash bin fall down, causing a lot of noise.

She pick her self up and started to run for her life. She took many turns and soon got lost.

"Shit!" She realized she shouted loud and covered her mouth. Wind slow blew behind her and made her shiver.

Her head slowly turn behind...

A spear covered in blood...

A demon mask also covered of blood...

Y/n heart was beating fast and she began running away but sadly the figure teleport right in front of her with the mask glowing green.

She fell to the ground and her phone flew behind her while still recording.

"I-I PROMISE I WON'T TELL ANYONE!" she yelled, her arms move to help her move back.

The figure slowly lifted his arm with his spear.


She closed her eyes as she thought she was done for. The sound of the spear heard falling to the ground, her eyes slowly open to see her still breathing.

Her arms was covering her face, she move her hands down to see the figure standing there. They pointed straight forward which y/n took the chance to grab her phone and started to running away.

It was her first almost dying experience. She was terrified but also happy for some reason.

She didn't turn back to see the strange figure, cover in blood from the three guys who are dead now.

Luckily she made it to her house, quickly enter her house and locking the door. Hopefully it stop the killer following her.

Her heart was racing wild, sweat falling down to the floor. She check her phone, it was still recording. Her thumb hit the button to stop recording.

"I just saw a real life killer.. Amazing"

Without knowing that she slap her self to knock some sense into her.

"What am i thinking?! I barely made it out! God, why I'm so different from others?!"

Night has soon came up, the stars and the moon were up in the sky. Streetlights were already on and cars passing by her house.

She was staring at the tv, they had found the three bodys already. It keep going on and on until y/n turned off the tv.

Her hands move up, covering her entire face. Parts of her was happy to see a real life killer but other part was terrified what she saw.

The same figure with the mask, image kept showing up it her mind. She wonders how old was the killer, didn't look that old.

It was like the killer was a high school student but y/n had no evidence but the video she took.

Her thumb made the video to reset over and over again. The spear going through the bodys of her classes, blood falling down in the ground.

No matter what, she couldn't tell who was the killer.

𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕖..𝔽𝕆ℝ𝔼𝕍𝔼ℝ [𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕩𝕚𝕒𝕠 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕Where stories live. Discover now