Chapter 23-She Finds Out

Start from the beginning

He cups my neck and face, while observing me in earnest. "Eight weeks." His thumb rubs my bottom lip. "It's been eight weeks since you invaded all my thoughts. But in those eight weeks I've seen you angry, sad, happy, surprised and even disgusted. And I've loved all of those sides of you but I prefer not to see you sad at all." He smiles when I chuckle and then he dips his head, tenderly rubbing his nose against mine. I melt into him instantly.

"Wait, when have you seen me disgusted?"

"At the gym—usually whenever I'm talking to someone—specifically women..." His hand runs through my hair. My unamused stare makes him chuckle. "Am I wrong?"

I fold my arms. "It's not because you talk to women, Sage. It's how women shamelessly ogle you and are constantly touching you in one way or another." He mirrors my stance, tilting his head to the side, clearly not agreeing with me.

So, I decide to show him. Walking past him I whirl around, catching him in surprise.

"Oh Sage, you're so strong." I flutter my eyes for effect and stroke his bicep. "Oh Sage, you're so funny!" I fake laugh—cackle actually, resting my hand on his chest and exaggerate a caress of his solid peck and trail down the ridges of his six pack. I try not to lose my focus when a certain body part is making his presence known. I clear my throat to continue.

"Sage, am I doing this right?" I turn around and squat, making a show of my exaggerated form so my butt sticks out more than it should, like I've seen some of the women do at the gym.

His loud laughter startles me just as much as him gripping my hips, pressing himself against me. I straighten and look over my shoulder, narrowing my eyes.

"Is it funny to you?"

His laughter dies down and he turns me around to face him. "No. It's not funny. But you are, mi morenita." He gives me a quick kiss. "I never really noticed or put much thought into how much it happens until you started coming to the gym."

"What do you mean?"

"With the exception of the really obvious, blatant advances, I never took it as anything sexual, but then I started noticing the look on your face when it would happen."

"You wouldn't like it if I allowed men to touch me in that same way when I work out."

His face changes instantly. "You're right. But sometimes touching is necessary for what I do."

Sighing, I lift my arms around his shoulders. "I know that. You've been doing this a lot longer than you and I have known each other and I know you wouldn't cross the line with clients...well, except for me I guess."

"I never wanted to before you. And now that we're together, I'm never going to be the same."

He pulls me in closer and we stand there in the middle of his room hugging, but the fact he's still naked gets to me and I begin giggling.


"It's hard to take you seriously when you have no clothes on."

"So get naked with me." He nibbles on my ear making me squirm. A knock at the door followed by Obie asking for him, stops anything else from happening.


"Of course he's up earlier than usual." Sage groans and rushes to the other side of the bed which makes me laugh, watching him drag on his sweats. I head to the door just as he finishes tying them off.

"Morning handsome!" I greet Obie with a smile.

"Hi JoJo!" Obie grins. "I didn't know you had a sleepover with Dad."

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