010 (Draken) Tall, blonde and gorjus, georgjus, gerjus, i give up 😉

175 8 16





I finally made it to Emma's house after what seemed like forever. Knock. Knock. "Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" Someone opened the door, but that someone wasn't Emma. "Mikey?" I asked. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS MF DOING HERE DOES HE HAVE EMMA HOSTAGE?? "Y/n! This is my brother, Mikey," Emma added. No what the fuck, nah nah nah, there's no way Emma is siblings with this gangbanging mole rat. You look behind Mikey and see another familiar face. Kaminuma."Y/n I'm so sorry please just-"

"Who are you?" You asked

'Y/n I know your mad bu-"

"Who are you? I have nothing to do with your life right?"

"Y/n liste-"

"Kami maybe you should let her calm down for a bit," Mikey said

"But she's my-"

"Leave. her. alone." It was Draken. All the worst people gathered in one spot. Mikey grabbed onto Kami's hand and took him outside. After a few minutes you looked out the window and saw Kami driving away. "Y/n I'm sorry for telling them you're here, they were really worried," Emma apologized, crying. "Emma! don't cry okay? You didn't do anything wrong!"

"I'll leave you guys alone," Draken replied in a serious and kind of hot voice. You hated him but you had to admit.. you were kinda starting to catch feelings. "I'm so sorry for coming to your house, I'm just really mad at my brother and hey, thanks again" You said. "No problem!" Emma replied, wiping her tears. "Do you wanna go out for a bit? I just wanna calm myself down for a bit" You asked

"Sure why not? I- um do you like mind if D-Draken g-goes with you instead I'm kinda u-um tired"

You didn't understand why her so voice was so shaky but this was a good opputunity to get closer to him. You didn't understand why, the same guy who's part of a gang that your brother joined, the same guy that forcibly made friends with you, why did you like him? "I- sure" You replied. "Alright then yawn I'll go get him"


"Alright so Emma said you desperately wanted to go out with me?"

"Wha- I didn't- I -I neve-"


"Let's go" He said as he grabbed ur hand and took you outside. His grip...It - it wasn't like Mikey's it didn't make your hand go red, he was gentle, it was caring, comforting in way, like kami's- wait no - Kami doesn't care about me does he- does he? You forgot about Draken for a moment. Kamiuma Taketora. He saved you from an abusive household, never judged you and truly cared for you. Joining a gang didn't mean that he didn't love you right? All he wanted to do was make sure he didn't give you a heart attack. What if he didn't join the gang to do illegal shit. What if he just...wanted to support his friends? You heart ached at the thought of it. "GET AWAY FROM ME! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU RIGHT?" It hurt even more now. You regretted it, every last word you said.

"You okay?" Draken asked interrupting your thought process, HIS VOICE KPOJSDIOHWJE[OGPJ

"Yeah I -J-just"

"Geez why do always become so nervous around me?"

You were too embarrased to say anything. Does he...know I like him? You started blushing even more when you thought about it. You quickly turned your face away to hide this.

"Ow man your hair hit my face! Hey! Look at me!"

He grabbed your face and bent and looked down at you. By now surely you looked like a tomato. Then you noticed his featured, plain yet dreamy eyes, a sharp nose and those lips, oh boy those lips, Pin me against a wall and make out with me senpai❤


"Dude you sick or some shit your face is like, red"

"I-m N-not sic-"

"Omg there we go with the stuttering again"

He let go of your face and you and across the street you looked to your right and saw a pair of lights then tyres... A TRUCK

"Drake-" CRASH



I'm so sorry for not updating guys turns out I forgot to hit the publish button I'm a fucking dumbass

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