Chapter 4

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Warden Dubois POV:

"Why would you bring her here?"  My father asked. 

"She's my date." I shrugged. 

"What if her uncle shows up here?" 

"Then maybe I can get my prison back." I stated. I mean I knew there was a big possibility that Ava's Uncle Christian would be here or even her uncle Kitai considering this is a underground event.  We import and export a lot here using the excuse of new art. Although, the pieces rarely changed here. 

Ava was currently talking to a young lady that looked very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who she was. She actually looked quite a bit like Ava. 

Ava waved me over. I took one last sip of the cocktail I had then sat it down on the bar and proceeded to make my way over to her. 

"Auntie Bella, this is Mr.Dubois." 

"So, you're the one my mama is looking for?" She asked as she looked me up and down.

"Yes. Precisely." I cleared my throat. 

"You know she's going to kill you right?" Ava's Aunt Bella asked. 

"Let's hope not. All I want is my prison. Then Ava here is free to leave." I was hoping she didn't hear the sadness in my voice from the thought of not being around Ava. 

"Hmm well I suggest you keep an eye on my Niece because I might kidnap her back."

"Well, I guess she'll be by my side the rest of the night." I didn't take the words she said lightly. I can imagine that all of Aaliyah's kids were capable of handling themselves if needed. 

Bella rolled her eyes at me then proceeded to give Ava a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be keeping my eye on you. When you get a chance to run, do it." 

Ava looked at me knowing I heard her. She simply gulped and nodded. 

I knew Ava enough to know that she would only run if provoked and I hadn't provoked her yet. I met all of her demands if they were reasonable. I rarely told her no. She was free to roam as she pleased as long as her guards were with her and I was notified beforehand her whereabouts. Not only that but I had peaked Ava's interest when she found out I dabbled in the underground world myself. 

"Dubois," Christian walked up to me. When he saw Ava he frowned. 


"Uncle." Ava greeted him.. I could hear the disdain in Ava's voice. I'd make a note to ask about it later. 

"Why in the world is my Great Niece with you?" he questioned

"It's really none of your business." Ava spat. 

Oh yeah definitely family drama. 

"It is my business when your grandmother called me and told me that Dubois kidnapped you after she took his prison." 

"She looks good does she not. I've been taking very good care of her." I smiled. Knowing that would only piss him off more. But what pissed me off is how he looked Ava over. 

"Yes, she looks quite well." He mumbled as his eyes trailed her body. 

I saw Ava shiver in disgust. He was a fucking perv. 

"Which is exactly why I didn't per-say kidnap her. Ava and I have been secretly messing around since she entered my prison. She came with me willingly." 

"Really?" Christian asked with a raised brow. 

"Yes. Really." Ava confirmed. 

I could tell she just wanted Christian out of her face. I was wondering if Aaliyah knew about Christian eyeballing her Grand kids. She'd kill him if she did. 

Christian soon lost interest in myself and Ava when he saw my father and mother had finally made their entrance. 

"CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!!!!!" The announcer shouted into the microphone. 

Everyone slowly quieted down as the lights began to dim some. 

"The WOMAN and MAN of the night have finally arrived. Khepri Naunet Dubois and Asim Khons Dubois!" 

The spotlight shined on them and I tensed up for a second. I haven't seen my parents in years. Since I took over the Egyptian Mafia really. I never had a great relationship with either of my parents. My father was a dick and my mother was an ass kisser. There were days where my father would come home and beat me mercilessly. My mother never stopped him she just watched. She'd clean me up when he was done then tell me 'This wouldn't happen if you followed his rules you know.' But I was a child. I was curious, I had to test boundaries to see where they would get me to learn my consequences but what kid deserves to be pistol whipped? What kid deserves to be shot at? What kid deserves to be beaten until they pass out?? 

Those are questions I couldn't come up with an answer to because no child should be disciplined that way. 

I think Ava noticed my uneasiness as she touched my arm and looked at me with concern etched into her beautiful features. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah. It's just I haven't seen my parents in a while." 

"How long is a while?" 

"10-12 years. Maybe more.." 

"Wow. Well shouldn't you be excited?"

"No, those people are not good people." I mumbled. 

"Technically, neither are you. You're a part of the underground. You're not normal and you're damn sure not good." 

"No, but I would never beat my own children until they were terrified of me. I'd never beat my children until they pass out. I'd never allow them to be beaten on by anyone else either." 

"Oh... Now I understand.I'm sorry that they treated you that way. No, child deserves parents like that." she stated softly. 

"Our Son!" my mother announced pulling my attention away from Ava to her and my father. I frowned. I truly hated these people. Hell when they weren't beating me then they were ignoring my presence. 

I didn't speak I just watched them. 

"Don't you think you should speak to your mother, Loui." My father said slyly. He knew I hated that name. I also hated how fake he was. Stand up and protect my mother in public but cheated on her behind closed doors. 

"Don't call me that. My name is Louis." 

"Don't argue. I'm just so happy to see you." She pulled me into a hug and I didn't hug back but I don't think she noticed that much because she proceeded to move on to Ava beside me. 

"And who is this?" she asked in disdain. Did I mention my parents were Lebanese and very much prejudice to anyone darker than we were.

"This is Ava. She's a close friend of mine." 

"Hi, Mrs.Dubois." Ava greeted politely. 

"Mhm. Hello." 

"Uh oh. Now Introducing Aaliyah Daniels-Arden and Damien Arden. The leaders if the Arden clan." 

"What the hell are they doing here?" My father spat. 

I didn't say anything because if they knew Ava was an Arden then they'd like her even less. Although, I didn't care whether they liked any woman I took interest in. But it wouldn't go over well with the Arden's and I'd prefer to keep them as an a potential ally. 

Aaliyah's eyes honed in on me and Ava. They quickly made their way over to us. 

"Warden." Aaliyah greeted. 

"Mrs.Arden, have you thought about my proposal?" I asked.

"She has and she agrees" Damien spoke for her. He handed me the deed to my prison. 

"Thank you. Ava, I have enjoyed my time with you. You're Parole officer is Chauncey Elgario, you need to see him Monday for a ankle bracelet. 12 PM sharp. Take care." I kissed her cheek. 

And she looked at me in what seemed to be mixed emotions. I just hope when we meet again things will be a little bit different. 

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