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The walk back was nice. Listening to the waves crashing against the shore was so calming. We'd only been a few hundred feet away from the restaurant when John asked me more about myself.

"So, what made you want to be a pharmacist?"

"I guess it's from all the problems I had growing up. I'd like to be a little inkling of help to someone else."

"Why not be a doctor?" he asked.

"Too soft hearted," I said.


"So, John. Besides lifeguarding and surfing, what else do you like to do?" I asked him.


"Any style in particular?"

"Realism, mainly but I dabble with abstract and Impressionism also," he said, looking down at me.

This was the first time I actually noticed how tall he was. He had a good eight to ten inches on me.

"Impressive," I smiled.

"What?" he laughed. "Is that not  typical beach boy behavior?" he asked, laughing.

"I have no idea," I said. "I've never got to know any local beach people."

"Well, welcome. Ask me anything. I am an open book."

"Okay," I laughed and though of just anything. "So, if you weren't a lifeguard, would you pursue artistry?"

"Honestly, no. I love it but I wouldn't want it to be my main focus. I feel like since I'm so passionate about it, if that was my career, I wouldn't love it as much anymore."

"I get that," I told him.

"Has pharmaceuticals always been your passion?" he asked.

"Not at all," I laughed. "I guess I was like every other little girl. Wanted to be a ballerina, a singer. Something like that. When I started getting so sick, I stopped looking at my future."

"Why?" he asked looking at me.

I stopped by the railing just outside of my hotel and leaned on it. The moons reflection was perfect in the water. I took a deep breath before I answered.

"Because I didn't think I had a future any longer. When you're little running to and from this doctor and that specialist, it didn't give me much hope. I was maybe twelve when they finally figured out everything that was wrong."

"Wow," he said, back against the railing.

We just stood there for a few minutes longer. The wind kept blowing my hair in my face but it was the least of my problems. The ocean, the wind and even the company was all just perfect.

"Listen, I know my friends made me out to be some player or whatever. I'm honestly not and I'm interested in you," he said.

"Wow, no beating around the bush."

"Not with me. I told you. When I'm interested, I let it be known. I would like to take you out for dinner or whatever meal of your choice."

I got quiet again and continued to look out at the moons reflection. Would it be so bad to agree knowing that we'll be housemates for a little while this summer. Was it worth trying to get to know him when I would just be heading ten hours west in a couple of months. Without a second thought, I answered.


"Seriously?" he asked and I looked over at him. His bright smile was in competition with the lights from the moon, stars and the pathway lights.

"Yeah, absolutely," I smiled back.

He took a step closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back and actually found that I felt comfortable like this.

"I work tomorrow but get off around 5, would that be okay?"

"How about Friday? Give it a few days."

"You're not going to flake on me are you?" he asked.

"Unlock and give me your phone," I told him and he did as I said. I typed my name and phone number in there and handed it back. "Friday," I said and started walking toward the door.

No other words were exchanged between us but once I got up to my room, I looked down and he was still standing there. I don't think he saw me but he did send me a quick message asking if I made it to my room okay and only after I assured him I was fine, he started walking back the way we came. I watched him until he had disappeared and then I sent my mom a quick text telling her I was safe and back in my room.

I took my makeup off and quickly changed into my pajamas and laid down. My phone buzzed for a text and I saw that it was only my mom responding back. I sent a heart emoji and a yawning one back. After that, I placed my phone on the charger and curled up in the blankets to go to sleep.

A Summer RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now