Chapter 12: Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Start from the beginning

Carol started walking over to the dining table but Nat and Nick held back for a moment. Nick grabbed Nat's hand and raised it so he could give it a kiss. He gave it an extra squeeze and gently smiled at Nat. His whole attitude worked to calm her nerves and for a moment Nat forgot this was all an act they were putting on. It's scary how right this feels.

The two made their way over to the table as Nick's chef brought out some plates. The breakfast was the same for everyone- a mixed veggie omelet. The difference came in the portions. While Nat and Carol each got a regular portion, Nick's plate was loaded up for what looked like 3 people. He also had some fruit to go alongside this meal, though Nat imagined she could snag some grapes off of his plate.

The three began to eat as the chef made her way back to the kitchen to clean up. As they ate, Nick's mom began asking questions. "So Nat, what do you do?"

Nat impulsively shoveled a forkful of omelet to her mouth to buy some time to think of an answer. She chewed slowly, as if the answer would come to her after reaching a certain number of bites. But as the silence lingered and it became more and more awkward, she was beginning to fear she wouldn't have an answer for Carol. Luckily, it was the smaller bear who came to the rescue.

"Uh, she's actually a student. She's studying sports medicine. That's actually how we met, she uh, came over to Levi's one day with her class."

"Oh nice." Carol responded, although Nat couldn't help but notice the look she shot over at her son. Maybe it was Nat's imagination, but she could tell that answer wasn't to Carol's liking.

Nat figured it would be smart to change the conversation topic. "So how have you been liking the season Ms. Bosa?" Nat cheerfully interjected.

Carol turned her attention back to Nat as she wiped her mouth with a napkin. "You can call me Carol. I think it's been an exciting one! I know Nicky and the Pioneers are crushing it right now. His brother and the Boars aren't doing half bad either."

"So I've heard. You've definitely raised two incredible defensive players. The NFA needs to send you some sort of plaque or something." Nat responded.

"Hah! That's what I'm always telling the boys. It's not easy raising two football players let me tell you. That chef you see there? That was me for a solid 20 years. These two had me bent over the stove for hours every day."

Nat laughed at this. "I bet. I actually whipped up some soup for Nick because he was feeling sick. It took me like 2 hours to get it just right and he downed it in like 10 minutes. Then he had the nerve to ask if I brought any more."

"Ha! That sounds like my Nicky. At least he's eating your food, he won't even touch any of my pasta I make him. And let me tell you, these recipes have been in our family for generations so you know they're good."

Nat continued laughing at how heated Carol was getting about food. "Oh man, I can only imagine. He takes his diet very seriously. He tried convincing me this no-bake low sugar brownie his chef made was 'just as good as the real thing'. It tasted like rubber. I told him he can allow himself a little treat every now and again but he never listens." Nat shook her head.

Carol laughed again and tapped Nick's forearm. "You see Nicky, you need to be listening to her, she knows what she's saying. I'm making you dinner tonight and you better at least try some."

This was the first time Nat looked up at her "boyfriend" since starting this conversation with his mom. Nat was surprised and a little touched at the giant smile Nick was wearing. From the looks of it, he had been thoroughly entertained by the two women's conversation. He locked eyes with Nat and had that wistful gaze of his once more. Nat didn't need to read his mind to know what he was thinking. Those puppy dog eyes said it all. Nat was beginning to fear this fake relationship they were putting on was becoming a little too real for him.

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