-.-Miles and Miles-.-

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She was setting up her camera to record another video log - she had some thoughts she really wanted to record before she lost them. She was back at base for her weekly visit, and was currently in Miles's quarters. 

"I'd prefer it if you did that somewhere else," he said, noticing what she was doing.

"It's just a quick log."


She understood what he meant: if someone else were to watch it, they would see she was in his quarters. She understood what he meant, but at the same time was having less and less patience for this BS. Would that be so bad, if someone were to see it? Apparently to him it would be. 

She snatched the equipment up and headed for the door. "I'm just going to leave."


"No, I know when I'm not wanted, and it's been that way for quite some time." She didn't know where those words had come from, but they'd been said, brought up from deep within her, and there was truth to them.

She had thought having him around would be an added bonus to this amazing experience on Pandora, but it was really turning out to be a pain in the ass more than anything. 

She plopped down in the lab, re-setting up her equipment. When her camera flashed on, her red, watery eyes met her gaze from on screen.

Oh, no, she wasn't going to cry. No, no, no...

She wiped her face, drank a glass of water, and sat back down, somewhat refreshed.

Click. On went the camera. "Okay, now where was I? Oh yeah, Na'vi mating rituals..."


The next week, when she was leaving the shack for her visit back to base, a different Scorpion landed outside their camp.

"Captain Chacón is busy with other duties so I'll be taking you," the smiling woman who stepped out of the cockpit told her. "Captain Socorro - call me Paz."

"Nice to meet you Paz," Nix said, shaking her hand. "Thanks for doing this."

"No problem. Hop in."

Nix took the co-pilot's seat. "Who's this cutie?" she asked, nodding to the photo of a baby on the control board in front of the pilot's seat.

"My son, he's just six months. First human born on Pandora."

"No way. He's making history."

"He sure is, my little Miles."


"Yeah, after his dad."

"His dad's name is Miles too?" Popular name. "Nice name."

"Yeah," agreed Paz. "That's what I thought."

That was Nix's first introduction to the boy who would change her life.


Tap tap. 

Phoenix was in Miles's quarters when there was a knocking at the door. He looked at her.

"I know, I know: hide so no one sees me," she huffed. 

He waited until she was tucked into her corner before opening the door. She couldn't see, but she could hear.

She heard the surprise in  his voice. "Paz?"


Paz? Her pilot from earlier? And she was on a first-name basis with him?

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