-.-The Clan-.-

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"Na'vi Clans have two heads of the Clan: the Olo'eyktan, Clan leader, traditionally a male, and the  Tsahìk, the spiritual leader, traditionally a female. In the case here in the Omaticaya Clan they are Neytiri's parents, Eytukan and Mo'at. Neytiri is next in line to become the Tsahik..."

Phoenix was going to make the most of her time out here in the heart of the Clan's home. Her video logs were getting longer and longer and more detailed. By the time she sent them to Miles, they would be the length of a whole film!

"Good morning, Sister, I see you," she greeted Neytiri, gesture and all, one morning when she arrived with Jake in the village, he there to continue his training under Neytiri as karyu, teacher. 

For a brief moment she wondered if she had overstepped with adding the 'Sister' part, but it was too late to change now. However, Neytiri smiled and replied.

"And good morning to you, Sister. If only Jake here learned as quickly as you."

"Aw, he'll get there. You might just have to be a little tougher on him."

"Kiss my ass, Nix," Jake told her. 

She just laughed and sent student and teacher on their way.  She hoped that once Jake had completed his training and become one of the Clan in the eyes of the people, that it might be her turn and that Neytiri would give her the same training. He was the 'Chosen One' after all, so it only made sense for him to complete his training first. It was Eywa's will.

Grace introduced her to some of her former students, young Na'vi rushing over to bid her hello after so long away.

"You feel really at home here, don't you," Nix asked the Doc, who smiled and nodded. 

 Jake had gotten approval from the Clan leaders themselves to have Grace back in with the people after the awful massacre of her students years before, one of which had been Neytiri's elder sister. 

"Several Na'vi Clans make their homes in giant trees, called Hometrees, including our Omaticaya friends. It's fascinating - it just towers over everything and the whole Clan lives within its trunk. It's amazing! Every day there's something new I find that just takes my breath away!"

Click click click went her camera. Click click click! She couldn't wait to upload these photos along with her video logs. 

"Hey kid, come here." Grace waved her over.  "Some of the girls were wondering if they could braid your hair."

Phoenix looked to the trio of Grace's former students looking up at her shyly. "Oh, yes please!" She immediately flopped down before them.

Soon she was seated on the forest floor while the girls knelt and stood around her, laughing and talking while they braided her long black hair. Her hair was naturally long, so as was her Na'vi hair. The girls even worked an assortment of feathers, beads and shells into her hair - she couldn't wait to catch at look of it in the mirror. 

Some of the girls' friends had joined in too, carving jewelry and a headpiece for her as well. She felt thoroughly spoiled and to learn from the children was truly a special gift. 

That night she returned to the shack her arms full of little gifts. She cherished every single one.


"Grace has started calling me our official anthropologist. I say unofficial, but she says official, and she's the boss so I'll take it."

"Smile you skxawngs," Grace said.

Everyone - Nix, Norm, Jake and Trudy (who was currently the only human in the photo) grinned for the camera sitting on the tripod before them. They stood outside the shack for a group photo. 

Nix really loved photos - the capture of a single moment, of a single memory. Another reason she was more than happy to photo catalogue for Grace, but she was more than happy to do that anyway. 

"Your Na'vi is very good," Neytiri commented. She had paused her training with Jake to talk to Nix.

"Thank you, I'm trying."

"It's paying off."

"I grew up in a multi-lingual, multiracial household, so I grew up surrounded by languages. I love languages. And I love learning - everything. The more I can learn the better. I wish other people felt the same."

"You remind me of my sister, Sylwanin," Neytiri said, and Nix felt a warmth spreading from her chest outwards throughout her entire body. "She was curious and loved learning too. She was always more focused than I was." She gave a chuckle at the fond memories. "You have siblings?"

"No, but I always wanted one. I always wished I had a big family. But it was just my Mum, Dad and I. And then just Dad and I, and now just me..." She trailed off, not having expected that to have taken the sad turn it had. "But now I have my friends here, like Grace and Jake."

"How do you know Jake?"

"He's a mate of mine."

"He's your mate?"

Ohhhhh... Yeah, she could see where that would get confusing.  "Sorry, where I'm from on Earth, we use 'mate' as a term for friend. We're just friends, Jake and I."

Was that relief showing on Neytiri's face? Nix didn't have to have been there long to note the way Neytiri and Jake looked at each other. 

"Do you have a mate?" Neytiri then asked. 

It was all she could do not to snort at that. "Oh, no. I think I'm a long way from there. But who knows, maybe someday..." But I do have a secret boyfriend who insists on keeping us hidden from everyone... She had no idea where this thing with Miles was going. She was serious about it, and he was serious about it, so long as it was kept to themselves. And if there was a future on Pandora, who knew where it would lead? 

"Navi are monogamous: they mate for life. When they come of age and choose a mate, they must mate before Eywa at the Tree of Souls, or a similar place, and that creates the bond between them. That's another place the queue comes in, connecting with your mate. It's something they take very seriously, not to be taken lightly at all. I really like that..."

She was going back through several of her logs and notes, wanting to make sure she hadn't forgotten to include anything - and she had A LOT that she wanted to be  included.

"Come on kid, time for bed," Grace called. It was just her and Nix - Norm, Jake and Trudy had already all called it a night a while ago. 

"Yup, I'm just going to finish cataloguing these-" Her sentence was punctured by a massive yawn.  She was working on several projects at once. "Yeah, okay Doc, I'll call it a night. All these will still be here waiting for me in the morning."

Grace chuckled.  "They sure will."

(Hold on tight - some drama is coming their way!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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