Episode 2

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S leaves the pod and went out to see Uzi on a pice of rubble, looking out at the landscape.

S: hey.

Uzi looks at him.

Uzi: oh... hey...

S: can't sleep?

Uzi: no...

S: eh, don't blame ya.

He sat next to her.

S:... look. I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this and that we were sent down here to kill you guys... and I'm sorry everyone has had to hide from us and become so cowardly.

Uzi: it's not your fault.

S: it is, actually.

Uzi:.. heh. Yeah...

S: well, I'm sure that we can figure this out. Go back to earth and fix up me, N and V. Along with kicking it to the humans that did this to us to begin with...

Uzi: ... did what...?

S: make us into murder machines and send us after you.

Uzi:... you weren't always murder machines...?

S: heh. No. Just more advanced worker drones actually. We did more: "butler" and "maid" stuff though. But basically the same.

Uzi: oh, well... that's interesting.

S; yeah... Uzi, I'm sorry. I... I didn't want to kill the others but... I had no choice at the time.

Uzi: hey... it's ok.

She gave him a light punch on the shoulder.

Uzi: let's go back inside. Get some rest.

S:... ok.

In the morning—

S activates and looks up to see Uzi

Uzi: hey! Sleepy head! Look at what I found!

She hands him a badge. Simon looked at it. It was golden, had a skull and pair of 2D wings.

S: looks like a pilot's badge.

Uzi: oooh! HEY! N!

There was a crash outside.

N(muffled): coming!!!

Uzi looks at herself in the mirror for a second. Her eye turns to a triangle shape, making the mirror crack.

V; that isn't concerning!

Uzi: shut up! You or J probably did this.

V: I've never seen that symbol before! Wanna do an autopsy to find out what it is?

Simon hit her on the head.

N: hey! What did you guys find!

He said, coming in the entrance.

Uzi: hey N! Did you know that you're wearing a pilot's hat?

N: I was a pilot!? Awesome! Now I have an origin story!

V just continues to blow bubbles with her hands, that had turned into bubble wands.

S: speaking of. Um. Are we sure we're going with the plan if destroying ALL humans?

Uzi: yep! Because judging from these controls, this isn't a landing pod... it's a spaceship! Not to mention they sent you here, wiped your memories completely and forced you to become what are basically cannibals-

V suddenly shot forward, still held back by her chain around her leg.

V: humans sent us to solve a problem. Y'know. The one where your kind is so conveniently innocent.

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