The interview

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Darren was up bright and early ready for the interview to make his dreams come true, his head filling up with great thoughts for what was to come. He got out his classic grey suit and navy blue tie and put them on making sure his bald head was at just the right amount of reflective shine to fill others eyes with greatness.
He arrived soon after at around 10:45 am and walked in the massive cinder block building with the pym labs logo looming over his body, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. He reached front desk where the receptionist was waiting, she had curtain black hair that went down to her shoulders and was the most businesslike woman he had ever seen, something about her looked familiar although he couldn't quite place what it was yet.. He waltzed up with pride for even being here and tried to declare his presence.
"Ahem" Darren blurted out trying to get her attention.
The woman looked up with the most monotone glare he had ever seen.
"Can i help you?" She replied
"Ah yes i'm here for an interview.. my name is Darren Cross"
"Oh so your the guy my dad wont shut up about" she exerted in an annoyed manner
It all clicked for Darren
"Ohhh your Dr. Pym's daughter uhhh what was it... ummm.."
"It's Hope" (she stared blankly)
"Ahh yea Hope right ummm"
(He clapped his hands together and rubbed them)
"Cool, well can i enter?"
"Waiting room is on the left"
"Ok i hope to see you later Hope!"
"Haha, funny" she said sarcastically
Darren waited in anticipation for 15 minutes before for being called in to the office.
He walked in as a silver slicked-back haired man was waiting with wrinkles running down his face like it had just been raining. He was wearing perfectly comfortable circular glasses which slotted onto his face like a jigsaw puzzle. Their black tint contrasted the rest of his grey outfitted suit very similar to Darren's own suit.
"Darren!, ahh yes take a seat if you will"
Darren shook his hand respectfully and took his place
"Well Darren i have to say your application is impressive, your cv is extremely detailed I've never seen anything like it"
"Thank you Dr. Pym" Darren said sheepishly
"Please, call me Hank" the Dr responded
"Your going to fit right in here, me and you working together master and protégé, we can achieve great things for humanity Darren" Hank Pym's face stared with an expectant and reassuring smile waiting for a response
" ye-yes of course Hank, it would be my honour!"
"It's settled then, you start first thing tomorrow, science never waits, especially ant-science!"
With that Darren said his goodbye's and left with his ego bigger than ever, it felt like his head was going to explode.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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