Falling apart

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Kenji and Ben are both now older. Kenji being 15 while Ben being 14, they were now in 9th grade meaning they were freshman's.

Ben and Kenji used to both go to a private school so it was pretty small and Kenji used to not care about how others seen him. He was always with Ben no matter what, always protecting him, always making sure he was okay. But now it's different, Kenji and Ben both go to a public school.

Kenji always wants the "perfect" image and wants everyone to love him. Meanwhile Ben is considered just a big nerd. He always gets picked on, with Kenji watching in shame in the background. Although Kenji looks like he wants to help Ben. he won't.

Ben and kenji have only one class together. Art. Kenji loved art but didn't want to admit that to his friends. His friends thought being in art was "gay".

1:30, the bell rings.

"Art class, my favorite!" Ben said to himself.

Ben arrived to his class and entered as he looked around he realized the only seat open was next to kenji. Bens eyes widened. But he just pushed his glasses up and sat down.

Ben didn't talk or even look at Kenji, but Kenji looked at Ben multiple times.
Ben noticed, but he didn't say a single word.

"Uh- hi Ben!" Kenji said awkwardly

"Hey." Ben said back without a very nice tone.

"how have you been? Gosh it feels like we haven't talked in a while!" Kenji said with a nervous smile on his face.

'Can't he take the hint? I don't want to talk to him' Ben thought inside his head.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Ben replied, rolling his eyes.

"Listen, I- I'm sorry I ignored you so much. It's just that my dad wants me to be popular, and the truth is I.. I.." Kenji was about to finish his sentence until Ben shouted out, "WHAT?!? ARE YOU FINALLY GOING TO ADMIT THAT YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTED TO BE POPULAR!! AND THAT YOU IGNORED ME FOR YOURSELF!!"

The room went silent. Ben got up in anger and grabbed his art supplies, as he left the room.

Everyone was now staring at kenji, his face turned red as tears filled his eyes. Kenji got up and left the room as well.

Why? Why did two best friends have to break apart like this? Many say it just happens to the ones who aren't meant for each other, but these two are different. No matter what they would never give up on each other.

"Wait!" Kenji yelled out to Ben.

"What? What do you want?" Ben replied wiping his tears as he turned to look at Kenji.

"I-I just... I miss you okay!? I want to be your friend again!" Kenji yelled.

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