Not what i want [kenji pov]

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Hello! I'm Kenji Kon, Just a kid with a dream to be a normal kid.

Instead, I'm a rich and famous child. My dad is the president of Mantah Corp, making me the next, but that's not what I wanna be.

"Daddy? Can I please have this toy" I ask my dad as he blankly stares at the books.

"Son, no. You must focus on work and school not some silly toys." He replied.

I walk away with tears in my eyes.

"But all the other kids in my class have this" I whisper with a frown. I would never talk back to my dad, unless I wanted to be slapped. And, that's not what I wanted.

One day my dad came into my room.
"Son, we are both going to a work party. all of my co-workers will be there so please, look nice" he demanded, then left the room.

I got up quickly

"A party?! Ooo I love Partys!" I yelled.

My smile quickly turned into a frown once I realized that my dad had said a "work" party, so there probably weren't gonna be kids my age there.

I grabbed my finest clothing and put it on.

As I got into the limo I asked my dad
"Will there be kids there?" Scared for the response, he said " yes, my co-worker, Mrs.Pincus will be bringing her daughter, [deadname]"

My eyes lit up with joy, I've never really had friends my age and was hoping to make one.

But a girl? Why did it have to be a girl? I thought.

We arrived and I jumped out of the car quickly. I had to contain my excitement because surely my dad wanted me to meet many people. I wouldn't even remember them the next day so it was super boring.

I greeted many people. Many people said "aww! Your little boy is so cute!" As they pinched my cheeks. I was so ready to meet my "new friend" I wanted to just scream and get this over with already.

"And this is Mrs.Pincus !" My dad said

I woke up from my daze of boredom and was looking for a girl after I shook hands with the lady.

But all I saw was a boy with short but fluffy hair standing behind the women, seeming scared.

"This is my daughter! [deadname]! She's a little bit shy!" Mrs.Pincus continued.

The "girl" wouldn't come out from behind her mom. And I wondered why, because I liked making friends, why wouldn't she?

"Oh come on [deadname], come out and be friends with this boy! He's waiting!" Mrs.Pincus said

The "girl" slowly came out so I could see her full face. Even though "she" looked like a boy, I felt something inside, my face turned red as I saw her Beautiful face. I had sparkles in my eyes, I don't know what this meant, it felt like I had a crush on "her", but this was a girl who looked like a boy. 'Isn't it weird to like a boy when I'm a boy?' I thought.

I smiled anyways.

"Hi! My name is Kenji!" I said with confidence.

"Uhm.. hi.. I- im, [deadname]" the "girl" replied finally.

That's when I met the person who'd be my best friend for the rest of my life.

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