Part 6 | Karaoke

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"N/n what are you wearing?"

"My favourite clubbing outfit" you grinned, stepping out of Lizzie's room and doing a twirl to show the girls.

"Oooh yes" Scarlett grinned, her and Lizzie finishing their makeup. "Are you guys ready?"

"Very ready!" Lizzie sang out, grabbing her shoes and bag as a text came through on your phones from Rdj.

"Get your asses out here ladies, your chauffeur is hereee"

The three of you grabbed your things, Lizzie kissing her husband goodbye before you all left her house to meet Robert outside.

The Russo Brothers had decided to take the cast out to a club to celebrate the beginning of filming, just a fun night for the group.

"Hey hunnie bunnies!" He yelled as you all stepped out the door. "Who's excited?"

"I am" Scarlett cheered, sliding into the front seat as you and Lizzie jumped in the back.

"Let's get this shit show on the road" you announced, Rdj tooting the horn in agreement before hitting the accelerator as Scarlett turned up the music.

Fifteen minutes later you all arrived at the club, the four of you all going in together to find the rest of the group.

Jeremy, Paul, both the Tom's and the brothers were all standing to the side of the club, lined along the bar chatting and laughing.

"Someone's looking" Lizzie whispered in your ear, both of you glancing over to see Tom watching you, the actor quickly looking away.

"Shut up Liz" you muttered as she laughed, kissing your cheek before moving over to talk the rest of the cast as they arrived.

"Well well well, hello ladies, you're all looking lovely" Jeremy greeted the three of you before gasping dramatically. "But Robert, I must say, you are looking fabulous."

"Why thank you" he replied, giving a curtesy before grabbing a drink off the bar. "Who's ready to party?"

"I definitely am" you grinned, clicking glasses with Mark. "Little Tom, are you even old enough to be in here?"

"Hey!" He exclaimed indignantly, the group laughing. "I'm 23!"

"Barley" Zendaya smirked.

"You're also 23 love."


"Y/n are you even old enough to be here?" Chris E asked.

"Indeed I am" you answered, spinning the paper umbrella you stole from Lizzie's drink.

"How old are you again?"

"22 years old, finally old enough to drink."

"Congratulations" he laughed, patting your shoulder.

"Welcome welcome everyone!" The Russo brothers announced, taking over a little stage in the corner. "Before we let you all have fun, we just wanted to thank you all for coming and to wish us all goodluck for another wonderful movie shoot together!"

You all cheered, clicking glasses as your eyes met Tom's again.

"Also, we've talked to the managers of the club, and we've made sure that the fans can only come bother the lot of you when we leave tonight" they announced.

"Not when we're all drunk!" Chris sulked. "Drunken Thor will take over the internet!"

"I actually believe that" Tom grinned as everyone laughed.

"Alright, go have fun!" The brothers dismissed.



"Stop staring at her Thomas."

The actor looked to his left to see Zendaya standing beside him, sipping at her drink.

"Staring at who?"

"Don't try that, we can all tell" she insisted with a smirk.

Tom looked back over at the little stage where you, Anthony and Sebastian were dancing around while singing karaoke.

"HAVING THE TIME OF YOUR LOFEEEEE, OOOOOOOH" you all sang, linking arms and spinning in circles while laughing.

"I'm not staring, I'm just watching" he shrugged casually. "It's quite entertaining."

"You're just hiding your affections under a false hate" Tom H added, walking up beside his girlfriend. "My guess is she is too."

Tom rolled his eyes, looking back to the karaoke performance as the other two waited to hear what he had to say.

SEE THAT GIRLLLL" Anthony and Seb sang (extremely out of key), each getting down on one knee and doing jazz hands in your direction.

"We all see it" Zendaya grinned, downing her drink before taking Tom H's hand and pulling him off to dance.


Anthony's out of key warbling was cut off by Seb pushing him, the actor falling off the stage and onto Chris who had been sitting on the floor bobbing along to their music.

"Bravo!!" Rdj cheered, clapping enthusiastically with the rest of the cast as you and Seb took over exaggerated bows.

"Thank you thank you, we're here all night" he grinned, passing the microphone onto Chris E and you passing yours to Mark.

"We're so talented" you said to Seb as he pulled Anthony up off the floor. "We should definitely release an album."

"With an original called 'Bird Brain' dedicated to Anthony's character" he smirked as Anthony punched him in the shoulder.


✨Ta da✨

How Much Can You Hate Me | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя