Part 19 | First Day

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"Good morning."

"Don't talk, too early" you grumbled, lifting your head off your arms to glance up at Tom.

He chuckled lightly, sliding into the bench seat beside you, brushing his hair out of eyes.

"I love your hair long" you mumbled tiredly as you heard him rustling around in his bag. "It's so pretty."


"Yeah. Like in Crimson Peak. I love that movie."

"I'm glad you do darling" he smiled, placing a coffee and a pastry on the table in front of you. "It's a slight pain to maintain it when it's curly though."

"I'll help!" You perked up, looking up at him eagerly. "I'll happily do those curly hair care routines, I love your hair."


You nodded, taking a grateful sip of the coffee. "Only your hair. I hate the rest of you."

He chuckled. "How long are we going to spend in this endless circle of hating and not hating one another?"

You shrugged. "It's not a cycle; I do hate you Thomas."

"Sure you do."

"I do!"

"You don't, I can tell. You hate a lot of people."

"Yeah, most of society" you grumbled, taking another sip of coffee. "Anyway, what are you getting at?"

"I'm not sure actually. I can just that you don't hate me. You weren't particularly fond of me for a few years, but you seem to be getting closer to actually liking me to some degree."

"What are you, a profiler now?" (Couldn't help myself, the realm of Criminal Minds has sucked me in.)

"Maybe. Or I could just be a genius."

"You can't be, I've already taken that role" you grinned. "There can only be one genius per cast and I've already fulfilled that place."

"Have you now?" he chuckled, taking a sip of his tea.

"I don't know how that wakes you up in the morning."

"Tea is great!"

"I agree, but warm leaf water certainly isn't enough to get this mastermind over here kicking in the mornings."

He laughed, rolling his eyes. "You concern me sometimes."

"My main goal in life" you smirked, bowing slightly. "I aspire to concern yet amaze the people I interact with."

"Well, you certainly concern... I don't about amaze though."

You flipped him off, grinning as he laughed quietly. "Ass."

"Harsh language for this time of the day love."

"Hey! What have I said about calling me that?"

"Hm, I don't remember actually" he shrugged innocently. "I tune you out most of the time to be honest."


He smirked, standing up at the call for wardrobe. "See you later love."

"I hate you."

"Oh I know you do."

"And yet you still bring me coffee and breakfast?"

He grinned, picking up his bag. "Hoping you'll come around."

You laughed quietly, watching him walk away. "Idiot."



You doubled over laughing, the cast members around you joining in. "I'm so sorry, I just feel so ridiculous right now."

You were currently practicing some of the first scenes in the film, where Belle is walking through the town singing, Gaston following after her eagerly.

It was a highly choreographed scene, people walking everywhere, you having to wind through the crowd and around the set in a very particular order so the camera could follow through and film all the interactions of yourself and the other characters along the way.

"I hate lip syncing" Luke Evans grinned, the actor of Gaston. "Are you okay?"

"I agree" you chuckled, trying to take deep breaths to stop your laughter. "And I'm fine, thank you. Sorry everyone!"

A moment ago you had just bumped into one of the market carts while trying to concentrate on singing, messing up the system.

"Totally fine, it happens" Bill smiled. "You're all doing very well so far, very little mess ups. Alright, let's break for lunch and begin the filming!"

Everyone moved off, chatting amongst themselves as you went to get some water.

"Impressive stumble" Tom's voice commented from behind you.

"Oh go away" you chuckled, turning to face him. "Don't tell me you haven't made any mistakes."

"Fair point" he grinned.

Tom was on the set other set for the day, filming opening scene where the Prince is cursed to become a Beast.

"Do you want to go get lunch?" He offered. "Ewan told me there's a good cafe just down the street."

"Still hoping I'll come around?" You smirked, taking a sip of water.

He just grinned. "You haven't said no."

".... Sure, sounds nice."

"I knew it."

"Oh shut up."


You shrugged, smiling slightly. "You should be used to that by now."

"Why do I put up with you."

"I ask myself that everyday Hiddleston."


Writers block is a bitch

How Much Can You Hate Me | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now