" I'm ur hyung how dare  u to call me JIMINSHII?!" Jimin said currently floating on top of woon

Woon changes positions and he start to splash water on jimin and they continue

" this creakhead water went in my ear hyung!!" Woon said

" it's your mistake and joke's apart I want to tell u something " jimin said

" oh yea u were saying that day too what is about" woonie asked

" about v" jimin said

" v hyung what about him?" Woon said still looking at water

" v have 2 personalities "  jimin said

Jungwoon look at him with wide eyes

WHAT ?!!

With v gukk

" gukk what u think?  Do we eat this? " v asked

"  umm hyung I've never seen this fruit are u sure this is fruit?" Gukk asked

" yah gukk  let me taste it first" v said and about to eat when gukk hold his   wrist

" what u want it?"  V said

" ahh no no don't eat it it could be poisonous " gukk said..

" ohh yea what a fool I  am " v said and throw that fruit

Gukk was plugging fruits when he saw snake 🐍

" AHHHHHHHHHH!!" Gukk yell and jump over v now gukk was on top   of v

" v....v.....v..." gukk shutter

" what ?!" V said shocked by his sudden action

" V HYUNG  SNAKE !!!!" Gukk said and clench on v shirt

Gukk have snake phobia.....

" it's ok... gukk wait let me do something " v said

" no please don't " gukk said

" please gukk just sit here ok?" V said and tried to  put gukk on  ground but gukk clenched on his jacket 

" ahh " v said and and shuu  the snake away  🤣🤣

" gukk get down now :" v said

Gukk get DOWN

" sorry hyung" gukk said

" it's ok  lets collect fruit" v said

With jiwoon

WHAT ?! WHAT U MEAN" woon yell

" Calm down woon listen to me ok ? As u know I'm v childhood friend  his name is Kim taehyung  not v .... v is his one of  personality  name he have 2 personality one is his normal one taehyung  whom we are now whom always we all see and one is v he is mafia and  ruthless person whom just I see and I'm telling u this coz now u see his 2nd personality v too" jimin explain

" u mean whom I meet at mall was his 2nd personality and he was not in his mind? " woon said

" yea it is " jimin said

" why do he have 2 personality btw ?" Woon said

" look woon I  can't  tell u that now I don't have any rights  v will tell u own his  own not only v he will tell every one  till the don't talk about this to anyone ok ?" Jimim said

" ok jimin hyung but for now we should go and change otherwise we will get cold ..." woon said

With namjoon and jin

Namjoon pov

We already made 2 tent  and it's our 3rd tent I get confident  as I don't pay attention and it broke

And now Jin hyung is yelling at me and running behind me and yoongi is cutting vegetables...

And then everyone came

" woah u went to bring water  i didn't u to bath in water ?" Yoongi said while looking at jimin and woon

" heheheh" they nervously scratch back of there neck and went to change

While other look at them dumbfounded

" pss kook oui!!" Gukk  whisper and poked  his side

" what " Kook slap his arm

" oww!! Go away your hands are hard " gukk said

" Shut up " Kook said

" after u" gukk said

" bitch just come to point " Kook said

" don't u think woon is paying much attention to jimin and he is ignoring us ? Do u think he will leave us ? Did he forget us" gukk asked

" ahh gukk he is our brother how will he forget us huh? And he is not ignoring us he was just busy like we were in works and he is  paying attention to jimin coz he was with him that's it and why will he leave  us.?" Kook said

" oh yea yea" gukk said

" wht u guys whispering about " v said


" what?" V said

" umm ..no im going to feed my dog cat food " gukk said

" what are u saying  u bring dog or cat here ?" V said

" umm ....heheh...YOONGI HYUNG IM COMING  ... sorry v look like yoongi hyung calling me " gukk said and went away

" what's with him?" Kook mumbled

" did u hear yoongi calling him?" V asked

" Huh why?" Kook  asked

" coz yoongi hyung there and he went there" v said point at yoongi who was just infornt talking with hobi and then point at gukk who went to  Jin

" umm idk? " Kook said


By by dears

jeon triplets  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن