"Why ain't Kay Kay in the tub yet?" I ask the kids as I walk in the bathroom, looking for my edge brush.

I look at her on the floor crying and screaming as Cia sits on the toilet looking defeated.

"She won't let me touch her, she started biting and crying." Cia sighs.

"Go finish getting ready fa yo party baby, mommy got it." I tell her, putting my blunt out and picking Kay Kay up.

"Yo brother and sister party in 20 minutes. You ain't finna act up tonight, okay?" I tell her as she pouts.

I get her undressed as she fusses. I go to sit her in the water and she pushes my face away and runs and hides in the corner.

"Oh my God. You want me to just wet a towel and wipe you off mamas?" I ask as she flattens herself against the wall.

"Huh?" I ask and she nods.

"Yea." She sniffles.

I put sum soap on one towel and warm water on the other and squat down to her level as she stands still, letting me clean her up.

"Why you breathing funny?" I pause, looking at her.

"I dunno." She shrugs with a guilty facial expression.

I stare in her eyes for a minute as they well up with tears. I get up and wrap the towel around her. I pick her up and sit her on the bed.

"Everybody get out." I tell the kids as she looks around confused.


"What I say?" I ask firmly.

The kids gather their stuff and walk ou,t I close and lock the door then change Kay into her outfit laid out on my bed.

"Why don't you like baths anymore?" I ask softly, putting her on my lap.

"I dunno." She shrugs, putting her fingers in her mouth, staring at the wall.

"You used to love bathtime, what happened?" I ask.

She just shrugs, looking everywhere but in my eyes.

"You're a very smart girl, I made you in my belly, I know you better than anybody. I know when you're lying, I know when you're telling the truth, I know when you're playing dumb, when you're acting up for attention... why are you acting like you can't understand me right now?" I ask.

She shrugs, looking down in her lap.

"If somebody made you feel uncomfortable or hurt you, you need to let me know so that shit can never happen again." I tell her.

"Would you rather tell daddy?" I ask and she nods.

I sigh, grabbing my phone. She puts her arm around my neck and lays on my chest silently.

Kamar was spost to pick us up, he'll be here any minute now but I'ma still call anyway.

He wouldn't do that to her, would he?

I push the thought away. Kamar ain't never been that typa dude.

But people change, I mean it is a possibility

I sit the phone down and look at her.

"Daddy'll be here in a minute. But I need you to tell me now." I start recording in case she confesses anything.

"Did anybody touch your private area?" I ask, tearing up.

"No mommy." She looks down.

"You can tell me anything princess. I'm your mommy, can't nobody tell you not to tell me anything. Nothing bad will happen to you for telling me if somebody touched you." I reassure her.

"I don't wan him in trouble." She frowns innocently.

My mouth drops open as she says that.

"Why would he be in trouble baby?" I ask.

"I dunno. Him said he sorry, it bad, he get in trouble if I tell body." She puts her hands up cluelessly.

"Who is he?"

"I dunno." She shrugs.

"It's important I know who he is, you have to tell me baby." I grab her face gently.

"I dunnooo." She whines, beginning to cry.

"Oh my God- nevermind, it's okay. It's okay. Hey, from here out, you ain't leaving my side. I don't know who did it, but you won't be left with nobody but me until I find out who." I pick her up and hold her head.

I cry hard as fuck, holding her tight for a couple minutes until my door gets knocked on.

"Genny, let's go." Kamar says from the other side.

I don't think he would do no shit like that, but until I find out who would... my babygirl ain't leaving my sight.

I trust him. But you never truly know. No matter how much I trust him, I can't risk anything.

"Holdon." I say tryna imitate my regular voice.

I clean my face up and hers and sit her on the bed before answering.

"Y'all ready?" He asks going straight to her.

He sits on the bed and she stands up, walking straight to him. He holds her and she hugs his neck. I watch closely seeing how she react to him touching her, she not acting different or scared or nothing.

He looks at me confused.

"You ready?" He repeats.

"Um... yea." I take her away and he jerks his head back but shakes it off.

"What's wrong?" He looks at me with sympathy.

"Nun. I think my weed was laced." I walk off.

Who y'all think touched Kay Kay?

On a side note, I wanna bring awareness to molestation. Please protect your children (BOTH genders) from men AND women when/if y'all become mothers if y'all aren't already.. You can never be too safe. NEVER rule out a suspect when it comes to molestation. Take NO risks. Even the child's father!!

Y'all may not like the execution, but it's sum real messages in ALL of my books ✌🏾

𝐁𝐌 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬

𝐁𝐌 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now