S1 E2 Fracking Zombies

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I sat in the bed of the truck giggling excessively at the giddy feeling I got as we slammed into zombie after zombie, some blood splashing from the tires onto my face, I immediately sat up and wiped it off with a large frown, I didn't want to Risk...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I sat in the bed of the truck giggling excessively at the giddy feeling I got as we slammed into zombie after zombie, some blood splashing from the tires onto my face, I immediately sat up and wiped it off with a large frown, I didn't want to Risk the germs spreading to other parts of my face and getting in my mouth or eyes.

I was in my own little world as I stuck my head past the the ledge, letting my hair and face feel the cold breeze pass me by, the freedom of driving way to fast down a backroad trampling all the zombies in our path was beyond exciting. Hell it gave me a huge lady boner, this kinda feeling of freedom.

The sound of whooping and hollering from doc inside the cabin made me smile, making me forget about the blood covering my sun-Burnt skin.

The stranger stood still next to me, tension between us seemed to be strong, the silence between the two of us was practically deafening, taking a few moments to contemplate saying something to him I took a Good glance over at him, he was tall, but not taller then the average male. he has short black hair, slightly spiked from the sweat, dirt, and blood from going unwashed for weeks, maybe months. The boy had his shit together, the getup he was packing was unlike anything I've seen before. he had pads on his elbows and the soles of some combat boots, long forgotten and worn, glued or strapped down to his shoulders, a soft spot z regularly snuck up on and got you with.

The man came prepared, thats for certain, and she could definitely appreciate such a thing, but she can never be truly sure if someone like himself would be good to share any thoughts with, even the minuscule ones. plus, Now was 100% not the time and place to get to know each other, we could get to that at some point if he decided to stay with us.

I will admit, the raven-haired boy wasn't exactly hard to read. His exterior was heavily guarded as if he wanted to protect himself from us, like we had any intention of hurting him without provocation. even if he had the intention to hurt us, he had yet to kill me or any of my companions. it was quite thoughtful of him, in fact it was very human of him, but he could be waiting, plotting something else entirely.

BLUE VELVET --10k x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin