| Prolouge |

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| Prologue |

The air was dusty and warm, and small particles of the dust floated slowly through the air, shown by the sunlight leaking through the white curtains covering the cracked open window. The sunlight reflected off the walls, crumbling wallpaper even having some sense of beauty in this situation,
hitting me in the eyes, Closing them almost immediately as to not blind myself.

The bedsheets I laid bare ass naked across were warm and crowded, not by me, but by the soft body laying next to me. I held her close, keeping her attached to me by the hip, my hand firmly holding it in place and the other hand was wrapped around her waist leading her to me, keeping her head on my shoulder. The memories from the night before set my heart at a fast pace, a heat regrowing in between my bare legs. Running my hands up and down her nakedness, gently I poked my head up and kissed her semi sweaty forehead, waking her up slowly, it was like a goddess coming back from heaven, blessing our human plane with her presence.

We're set to leave tomorrow, but for now we're here, pleasantly enjoying what little rest we were allowed in our circumstances.  We made this house our own nest for the last few days, living in a bubble away from reality, doing things we wouldn't normally do, domestic living. It wasn't for me, but, I could see how happy it made her. Letting The classic vinyl play softly in the background, pajama pants and scrounging for a good dinner together while she spent her time relaxed, sipping on wine. It was her thing, and I don't think I've ever seen her so happy, so much so I swear I saw tears in her eyes when she found out the record player still worked.

Why she reacted this way I will never know, I've only ever seen her cry tears of pure fury, and of exhaustion, -I've only over seen her in survivor mode; all bloody and half crazy with fire raging under her feet. I like her much better when she's not in danger, but I can't help but love her when she's conquering the world, a grip on life like an iron fist. Though I'll try to enjoy her explaining to me the height of pop culture for now. Feigning my enjoyment of this settlement was difficult, but she was happy, I wanted it to last as long as possible before the moment was over.

BLUE VELVET --10k x readerWhere stories live. Discover now