Vomiting word atp

657 39 3

Last updated in December... I should probably change that!

Also, if any of my fellow Moonknight meets writers is reading this, Stop, and updated your Fic because it's sitting in my Bookmarks😮💨
(-Ao3 Shizu)

Steven was staring into the space between the tablet in from of him and the edge of the table. He really didn't know what to reply to the two superheroes that were still starting at him with a quiet and dangerous expectancy.

He knew Marc and Jake were aware of what was happening, and he was glad that Marc was doing alright but their presence.. wasn't really helping. Khonshu was long gone after their screeching about disrespect and all. It was nice to not feel the pressure of their dead stare. The God was able to be quite unnerving at times, tho these last few months they were more annoying then anything.

Hawkeye was the one who interrupted the silence.

"Quit spacing out and answer us Spector."

Steven looked up from the table and his eyes traveled between the two spies

"Sorry um, what's this?"

The Black Widow let out a sigh and picked up the tablet once again before speaking up.

"Listen, I know you just had a rough patch but if you think even once that you can lie to us you're in for a rough time."
for good measures the woman added in a firm "understood?" at the end.

Steven nodded, trying to not feel too threatened.

"I.. didn't kill those people if that is what you are asking. I don't even know them."

Hawkeye replied

One doesn't have to know a Person to kill them."

There was a dark almost knowing undertone in his voice and Steven watched as the man tapped on one of the many pictures on the tablet.

The picture now filled up the whole screen, it was a man on the ground with about two visible shot wounds. Steven averted his gaze from it, he felt Marc trying to reach out to him but was quick to mentally push the man away.
It was Stevens turn to watch out for him.

"I didn't kill them."

The man just snorted earning a disapproving look from the Widow.

"Marc we know you did there's no denying it, its besides the point really. What we need to know now is if you possess any threat to us."

"I don't!"

"Prove it. Tell us everything."

Steven didn't know what they expected him to tell them. Did they want him to confess to murdering people or did they want information about the Jackals?
The Black Widow seemed to sense his distress and spoke up again.

"Start explaining your relation to those creatures we fought, and remember, lying is useless we are able to tell."

And so he did. Or well.. he explained a slightly altered version.

He started off with accidentally coming in contact with a small little golden bug. For good measurements in his asshole-assassin role he told them that he stole it from the museum he was working at.

He told them about Harrow and how the man had found him and killed someone in front of him to get 'Marc' to give him the Scarab. He included the Scales and Staff in all of this.

He started to explain the Avatar Principe without disclosing to being one himself and to what Harrow was trying to achieve.
He'd told them that the Scarab was a compass to lead Harrow to Ammit and that it was the reason the man found him in the first place.

From then on he retold the story pretty accurately just with leaving Layla out of it, she didn't need to be involved in this whole thing, claiming to have been possessed by Khonshu the Egyptian God of the moon without having control over his actions.

"It was terrible! I watched him use my body to kill those Jackals and even humans!"

Hawkeyes sympathetic hum reassured Steven that they were buying the story. Marc and Jakes recoil at those words even made Steven wince realistically.
Time for apologize was due for later.

From then on it was easy to continue, coating his actions as those of the God he was possessed by and finally ending his story with the dramatic battle of Ammit vs Khonshu.

Hawkeye and Black Widow thanked him and told him to stay put while they went to retrieve the others. Being cuffed to arm rest was the only safety measurement they took before leaving, closing the doors to the room behind them.

Steven sunk back on the Couch closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.
He actually did it!

Outside Natasha and Clint were walking down the long Corridor.

"Believe anything he said?"

Clint hummed.

"Parts of it."

Natasha smiled softly.

"You sympathize."

The man huffed out a humorless laugh.

"Can't hide anything from you huh?"

And after a shot pause

"Remember what I said about him reminding me of Castle? ..Is not all. Also reminds me of me."

A sigh came out of his mouth

"And that's not a good thing."

And that was it again! *Crawls back into the Shadows*

Reminder to join my Discord rahhhhhhh!!!!

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