Like two fish in a Glass

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Oh my god it's been too long I am so sorry-,
I feel like I say that every Chapter...


This Chapter was a result of a poll in my discord:
Alright yall, would you rather get more into the Avengers interrogation or finally have a glimpse of what’s going on with Marc after the Panic attack?

6 people choose A
13 people choose B

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It was silent, mostly silent that is. Marc felt like waking up after a bad concussion and there was some kind of muffled talking. 

He opened his eyes and found him self in his Room.

There was the fish tank, but with only two fish instead of three. He tapped the Glass gently. Looking around felt familiar and wrong. It wasnt really his home. Or their home. 

The others weren't there, the books didnt have titles and some corners and bits of the Room looked blurry. 

Looking around it felt empty and familiar at the same time. Almost Calm. 

Marc walked over to the Door but trying to open it he found that it was locked. 


He was in their Headspace..


The Black Widow made him push back and now he left Steven and Jake in this situation. 

The talking came from behind the Door, it was a consistent noise but no actual words could be made sense of. Sighing he sat down, his back leaning against the hard wood of the Door...

He closed his eyes and tried to make more sense of what had happened. He obviously got triggered by the sentence that much was clear. 

It was what mom said to him after..

That wasnt important anyways. There were many occasions where be had heard it in the past. Wether as a passerby or whatever. 

He shouldn't have of gotten pusher back so easily, was it the tone of her voice? She didn't look anything like her

Opening his eyes again he watched the Goldfish swim around. It was Calming.

Everything was so Calm.

He didnt want it to be.

It was his job to protect Steven from stuff like this shit, not expose him to it. Jake wasnt made for this either. He was more of a attack guy. 

Suddenly the door behind him opened up and he fell back, next thing he knew was he was standing next to Jake. 

The Man acknowledged him with a nod and then turned his head continuing to watch Steven.

Marc turned as well and was met with gory pictures of.. oh. 

Oh yeah he knew these faces..

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