what the fu- IS THAT IRONMAN!?

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For any Archives useres out there: "Sorry-, wrong Number!" as well as "Daredevil far from Hell ('s Kitchen.. Universe?)" are now officially posted on my Ao3 Account: ShizunaRey

The update shedule published earlier(depending when/where im writing) then on wattpad, if youd rather read a new chapter immediately i can only recommend bookmarking it!

For the people that came from my ao3:
Thank you so much for all the support in such a short amount of time, we are already in the thousands viewer wise and on page 8/22 (sortet by kudos descending) on the Moon knight fandom tag!

Tony was well aware of the short time frame he had, tomorrow was the press conference that he most definitely couldn't miss unless he wanted Pepper to kill him once and for all.
While in the Jet he quickly downed a Glass of Water and went over his plan again, he had F.R.I.D.A.Y already sent onto "Stevens" electronic devices to control any kind of information the man had downloaded or worse, already send out and the rest was-, well, still being planned.

Finally F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice came through his headset.

"Good Afternoon Sir, i couldn't find any Avengers related content being downloaded, screenshotet or shared. Here is a list of other suspicious contents that might help you."

Tony let out a sigh of relieve he didn't know he was holding and quickly thanked his AI. Right after his phone let out a ping after receiving the list. He briefed it and it all just looked like "Steven" was a pretty normal, if not lonely guy. Almost no Contacts and daily unanswered calls to his Mother, unless... Tony's eyes narrowed. Maybe it wasn't really his Mother but more of a code-named contact.
He quickly put on some random voicemail that the other had sent out.

It started with a bit of silence. And the finally a British voice:

Hello Gus,

It reminded Tony of his Chatroom name, WhereIsGus

My little one finned wonder, hello mum

So still using a code Name, and a.. fish?

Its me, just checking in. Um i got your postcard

Cards huh, non-electronic or verbal communication. Smart.

putting it up on Gus's tank now.

Okay, probably a fish. Stark made a mental note to take one of these postcards with him.

Yeah its very nice, Gus though, keeps asking why i don't take em anywhere nice. Maybe one day right? I mean he'd love to get out there but its a bit hard with one fin isnnit? Anyways Mum, things are well here not too bad. Still wake up every morning feeling like i got hit by a- bus.

Shuffling and keys were able to be heard, Tony still wasn't sure if there were any code words or secret messages being said. Now his voice sounded a bit distant, he was talking to somebody else?

hey mate, still selling the old brushes and brooms 'ight? Right in front of my entrance-,.. got no problem with it, cheers. Anyways sorry-, i missed you mum, ill try again tomorrow! Laters Gators.

And the voicemail ended and Tony didn't know more then before so he opened another one. It was just him talking about some chick he apparently met despite sounding devastated as fuck. He scrolled the list a bit more down, huh, apparently wrecked a bathroom at his workplace once.

The next thing to investigate was Marc Spector, now THAT dude was a lot. Married, well, almost divorced and a shit ton of Blood. Lots of Egypt shit. No social Media, no social life, a throw away mobile with two contacts. Barely used and lots of missed calls mainly from a Layla Person and a Contact called Duchamp.

Before Tony could look into the third identity, that the Man had, F.R.I.D.A.Y notified him of their landing. With one last glance at "Stevens" current GPS location he closed the tab holding the information's his AI had sent him, also quickly checking if he had any new messages regarding his quick disappearance. Lastly he made a quick call to a private chauffeur to come pick him up.


Steven was doing rather well today despite the Chatroom incident. Yes, he was bored and tired but a least he didn't wake up in some random field!

He noticed Marc watching him from the Bathroom mirror as he fed fake Gus and didn't address him further after a quick wave.

It was.. weird knowing that another Peron lived in your Body and having no memory of what has happened between time stamps but at least he had learned how to watch the others when he wasn't in Control. Just like a third Persons point of view. Now that Steven thought about it, it was kind of creepy. Having someone constantly looking at you. He stole a quick glance towards the Mirror again but Marc was already gone.

With a sigh he sat on his Chair, lazily opening a marked page in one of his Books and started flipping through it.

For a second he considered calling Layla but knowing her she was probably already doing another cool mission or something adventurous.

Instead he resorted back to reading a few Pages when suddenly Marc looked at him through an empty Glass.

"Someone's here."

And just as if on cue came a knock from the front door, startled Steven looked back at Marc who still had that ever going serious expression on his Face.

After another knock Steven quickly stood up and hurried towards the Door, if it was trouble Marc would've surely tried fronting by now. Fumbling with the many locks he finally managed to pull open the door only to come face to face with-

Oh fuck

Oh fuck fuck fuck

Now that!

That's not good.

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