Mister Marc- Stark! Mister Stark. Sorry..

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It was rare for someone to visit them, no friends and all that-,
So when Steven decided to open the door he expected maybe some kid trying to sell him cookies, like in the movies, not to come face to face with Tony fucking 'I am Iron man' Stark.
It was only a natural reaction to slam the door shut right away!

Marc send him an unimpressed look through the mirror on his right, maybe it was for the better that he couldn't see his own panicked reflection at the moment. Of course Stark had to speak up.

"Sorry buddy, it seems like you accidentally closed that door. Might want to try again."

A last panicked look towards the mirror in which Marc looked at him amused, why was he like that!?
Wasn't he the one that always went all serious and grumpy and mean and-, Oh god Tony Stark!

Steven quickly opened the door again, locking eyes with the hero, who without warning made his way into the living space while Steven closed the door behind him looking panicked towards Marc, Stark, Marc again, Stark-, oh wow their names are pretty similar.

"Um, Mister Stark, uh Sir. What are you doing.. here?"

Said man had paused in front of the fish tank mustering Gus and then stood straight up walking towards Steven who in his defense only stumbled back a bit.

"Steven Grant right?"

"Yes that's me, one and only haha! Probably not the only only one if-"

Tony cut his rambling right of

"Steven huh, is it okay if I call you Steven?"

"Yes! Yes, Steven's fine-"

"Or would you prefer Marc?"

Stevens eyes widened and he immediately looked back to the mirror which Stark understood as him searching for an escape.

"Or maybe Jake?"

He continued all while the other was having some kind of staring contest with his bathroom mirror. Suddenly Steven started talking again, not to Tony but rather himself.

"Take over. Take the Body, take it."

Tony watched a flash of disbelief flash through the others expression.

"What do you mean No!? You always want to take over!.. No this is not funny!"

Okay-, that man had problems was the only thing that came to Tony's mind. Either that or he had no idea that a distraction was meant to be.. distracting from themselves.

"I swear to-, I will jump us off a building you prick!"

That seemed to do the trick because the next thing Tony knew was that the man in front of him rolled his eyes all weird and then finally looked towards him.



"You may call me Marc, Mr Stark. Please, have a seat."

"Mister Stark was my father. I am Tony."

A bit perplexed by the sudden change Tony just sat on the chair to which Steven-, or Marc, Jake, whatever had gestured. The other seating himself on the other side of the table, closing some books and shoving them a bit to the side so there was nothing between the two men but blank wood.

"First of I would like to apologize for my rudeness earlier. Now to what do I own the visit..?"

Sorry-, wrong number!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant