Chapter nine

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The drive to my house was fast. I realize when we're walking up to it  that I really wish my mother was still alive. If she was I never would have met stupid Sam or stupid Johnny.

We walk in and Sara and Tom aren’t there. I think about calling them to let them know I'm home but decide against it. If they went on a date I don’t want them to rush home thinking I’m sick. It makes me feel nice knowing that they would though.

I lie on my bed and Katie sits on the edge. “I think we should change into our pajamas, order a pizza and watch movies.”

I laugh. “The pizza is going to be a two hour delay.”

She shakes her head. “That place doesn’t deliver here. We’ll call somewhere else.” She slaps my thigh. “Get into your pajamas I’ll order the pizza. Then I’ll run out and grab some ice cream.”

            I laugh. “It was one day. It's not like we dated for a year,” I tell her.

            She gives me a look. “Girl, it does'nt matter. He lied to you. I’m getting the ice cream.” She slaps my thigh again. “Now get your jams on and I’ll leave the money on the counter in case the pizza guy comes while I’m gone.”

            I don’t have time to respond, or even make fun of the word ‘jams’ before she's gone. I sigh and pull the pants and shirt I had packed for tonight out. I put them on quickly. When I leave my room Katie has already left. I decide I might as well go see what Sara has for movies. I avoid all the pictures of my mother. I haven’t really been in the living room yet to be honest. I’ve been avoiding the pictures that I have probably never seen before. They would just open a floodgate of tears that I couldn’t handle right now.

            I'm reading the back of a case when there's a knock on the door. I can tell it’s not the pizza guy because the knocks are frantic. I stand up and feel goose bumps cover my arms. I walk slowly towards the door when I hear a frantic, “Summer!”

            I freeze. It’s Johnny. What do I do? I really wish Katie hadn’t left. I think about hiding somewhere but then I decide that I need to face him at some point. It might as well be now instead of making a scene in school. Also he should know that we are no longer together so he can feel free to sleep with Mary.

            My stomach is in knots and butterflies are caught in my throat. I open the door and Johnny is standing there. A panicked expression on his face. For a second I think maybe Mary was lying. Why else would he be here? I shake that thought away and cross my arms. I force the butterflies down. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, my tone is cold.

            I can’t describe the look on his face. Fear, panic… something strong. “What did Mary say to you?”

            I grab the side of the door. “She told me that you’re not afraid to tell a girl what you like as you have SEX with her.” I scream the word ‘sex’ and I go to slam the door in his face but he stops it. He’s a lot stronger than I am.

            As he steps into the house with anger on his face I realize just how much bigger he is. I step away. “Katie will be back any minute," I tell him, legitimately afraid.

            The angry look does not leave his face. “Summer, you can’t believe what she told you. I was telling you the truth. I have never actually admitted that to anyone. Whenever I am with a girl and she tries to go a step further I just say no, for some reason or another. The reasons I tell them don't matter. I told you my biggest secret. I let you see how sensitive I actually am. I ask you to be my girlfriend. Then Mary says one thing and you believe her.”

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