Aolie x dragon!reader- of course!!!

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This was requested by WILLOWyt123 and Yukirurikawaboi, you guys had very similar requests so I decided to take two out with one stone but I hope you like it


Y/n-your name

Back story-

Ao lie was bashed after getting out of being executed by the help of Guanyin, he visited you to ask to leave with him of course you agreed and left with but you had to join the Monk as ao lie was a horse most the time but trued back every night to see you

Story time-

Y/n POV-

You were right now setting up camp, seeing the Monk siting down meditating. "Is that all he's going to do?" I ask "yes,master needs to regain strength after every battle" wukong said. I look back to see when he fought to come up with nothing "okay he has never fought even once on this journey, it's either he's being the damsel in distress or he's telling you not to protect him" I said finishing the fire

I suddenly heard the Monk speak "if you have a problem you could talk to me" I glared at him "and why would I do that?" He opened his eyes "because if we're going to work together you need to trust and like everyone here" I huffed "fine, I'll tell you why Im mad, the only reason aolie is alive is to serve you as a horse and I barely get to see him because of that!!" I yelled, walking away

As I was walking away I heard aolie calling me

Aolie POV-

I saw y/n walk away up set and trying to get to them "what happened?" I turned asking the Monk confused and worried "they are right now, angry but I think there a bit angry not just at me but you" I was shocked,why were you angery...

I started to walk away not listening to what anyone had to say so I could get to the bottom of this

As I was looking for Y/n, I can across a lake to see a beautiful s/c dragon, it was y/n. I watch as they swam and splash in the water seeing them sparkle in the moon light, I shook my head knowing it wasn't the time for that "y/n!" I yelled stepping near her "aolie, my love" I heard her say

She changed in her human form going to me "what are you doing over here?"

Y/n POV-

I was confused on why he was here, did he follow me "I was wondering, you ran off and the Monk said you may be angry at me, I sighed angery at the Monk "stupid Monk, I'm not angry at you...I just...after everything that happened...the pearl... You almost getting executed...and now I barely see you anymore..." I look to the side feeling a bit guilty

I look up to see aolie looking at me with sad eyes but still a happy smile "I am happy that you have stayed for so long but if you are this could always leave" he said in a sad tone "I know it was selfish of me to ask you to come along and I wi-" I grab his face and kiss him, he was frozen at first but he melted in a second later

I pulled away from him smiling "I am never leaving you..."

Aolie POV-

I think it time, I got on the ground "I'm glad you said that cuz ummm" I went red and giggled trying to process what to say next "will you marry me" she stood there saying nothing

I look down sadden but all of the sudden she jumped on me yelling "OF COURSE WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT" I smiled

We both on the ground holding eachother laughing, looking at the stars...we were happy and we couldn't wait for are wedding day...

The end

Sorry it wasn't exactly how you wanted it but I had no idea how I was going to do the wedding 😅

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