It's strange but, sometimes, I have a feeling of being and not being present on a physical space and determined situation. It's like, if there's a way my body could abscond, completely disapear from the place I am, just leaving a pair of floating eyes - my eyes- observing. An unrreal feeling. However, I'm plenty concious about my surround.

It's the feeling you have when you are invisible. You have a third person vision about the world around you, like in a dream. An observer. A life spectator. Another shadow in the crowd.

Pretending and believing that nobody can't see you... Until, suddenly, you crush against reality or, rather, the reality crush against you. Someone starts to interact with you and, despite you know you are an opaque being, who light can't get through, you can't stop asking yourself how is it posible people are able to see you.

But, the feeling of being and not being present have another tone. This time, you are so overwhelmed about the world you're living in, that you can't allow your concience to be in this place anymore. So, you start evading your mind. Starting a trip into another world. YOUR world, where time fluids in a different way, where there's no limits, where everything is posible. There is no doubts that this is a pretty attractive place. In this moment, you're physically here, but your mind doesn't.

I think this kind of evasion is more dangerous than the first one. When you are evading your body, you are concious about what's around you, even you can't respond to the events of your environment because you belive it's physically imposible.
Nevertheless, when you are evading your mind, you take the risk of getting trapped inside your own world. You would be living forever in your fantasy, or worst, you would start confusing fiction and reality. And that could put your life and others in danger.

This is the perfect trap set by oneself. The prove that you mind is betraying you. Never let your guard down. 

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