019. Moves And Countermoves

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The darkness of the Red Keep scared many of the weaker Lords and Ladies of Kingslanding. So much treachery and foul deceit were played out in clear view of the Gods above and below, one didn't have to hide in the shadows of the Keep to do horrendous acts. If a person could do such disgusting affairs in the light of day then what could they possibly need to do in the shadows?

Naenya Targaryen held no fear for the darkness of the Red Keep. The two were old friends with a lengthy history. They had been close in her childhood, days spent running around the halls alone with the darkness as the entirety of the Red Keep seemed to be cooing over her recently born younger sister, then the two had fallen out of friendship at the beginning of her adolescence. It was only once Naenya had returned from her tour that she found herself making amends with the old man.

"You need to tell your mother that I would adore having her little Lyla betrothed to Maegor," Naenya smiled, her hands clasped in front of her, "Lady Ceira has been nothing but an ally to me, and it must be known that my allies get rewarded greatly,"

Tyland Lannister was beside her, less comfortable with the silence of the dark night than Naenya was. Every few seconds Naenya would notice him glancing around, as though concerned a thief would spring out from a nearby pillar and attack. Naenya would be immensely impressed if a thief could get past the dozens of guards waiting at attention.

"While I am grateful to hear that, I might advise against it," Tyland spoke, biting his lip as he was forced to think of his future Queens needs before his own mothers, "You only have two children, perhaps giving your only son to the first person that asks isn't quite wise,"

"You are only slightly correct, Tyland," Naenya replied, nodding at the guards she passed, "Lady Ceira is one of my first allies that I can reward in a tangible way. If she is given great rewards, others will be far quicker to join my side,"

"But you won't give them any rewards?"

"No, I won't," Naenya's smile was illuminated by a passing torch, "People will also come to know I respect true loyalty first and foremost, and I remember such things,"

Tyland nodded, remaining in step beside her as he fell into silence as they walked further and further out of the light of the Red Keep. Naenya kept her head high as she strolled into the darkened gardens, Tyland behind her.

"So, advise me, Tyland," Naenya finally said, watching the lion closely, "What are they scheming about?"

The pleasantries all but dissipated as Naenya held Tylands gaze in her own.

Naenya had been with a sick Vanya most of the day. The Maesters were fairly certain the sickness was simply Redspots and had informed the princess that it was good the girl was getting it out of her system so early. Naenya, a first-time mother, had refused to leave her daughter's side for the first few hours until Elden had come in and calmed her mind.

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