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TW: This chapter contains mentions of : Death, War ,corpses, And many other things like that.


Cale henituse.

Watching him was...interesting.

At first.

But it became boring as time passed.

Well, his entire life became boring at this point.

He wakes up, gets ready, does the things he is assigned for and makes sure that the first born of the household does not notice that he is watching him, then, he reports everything the redhead does at the end of the day to the count.

He might just stop hiding the fact that he is watching the redhead to make things more interesting.

...maybe later.

yes, later.


something interesting happened.

the redhead got himself in a fight with the wrong person.

...He could have stopped him.

But why would he? It's been a while since he witnessed something  interesting in this life.

...he decided to separate the two teens when he saw the chef watching.

He even got to hear a familiar name.

..it's weird how he felt nothing hearing what had happened to the village, he thought that since he got a soul, he will be able to finally feel again, but for some reason, ever since he regained his memories, he was not able to feel anything once again. Huh.



Ever since The day the redhead got beaten up in, interesting things seem to happen.

The second born of the household went to the capital for some celebration totally fine, how he came back? Well, he came back alive.


He later heard news about a war approaching the henituse territory.

weird, humans are truly weird.


he watched as the place he spent years of his new life in get burned to the ground ,how people he once saw lively laughing became dull corpses.

....he felt nothing watching that happen.


the redhead was the only survivor.

he decided to stay by the redhead's side a little longer.


He watched as the empire fell into chaos.

He started to understand what the voice he once heard meant.


it's been almost fifteen years into the war.

He stood by the redheads side.

...He wanted to know how the redhead will act in such a situation, but it seems the redhead misunderstood his intentions, He never really cared like what the redhead said, but he didn't care to correct the redhead.


He got to meet the guy who beat the redhead in the past.


He looked the exact same ,a 17 years old, even though it had been almost twenty years since their meeting.

....Hans found that.... strangley familiar.. in a way.

It reminded him of someone..no, something.


the war was lost, he saw how the white star strangled the raven to his last breath.

the white star then turned to the redhead and said something he found interesting. "time is odd for you." He said.

He then pointed his fire sword to the redhead.

....He heard the same thing being said to him before his vision blackend.


this life of his had been interesting journey, guess it's time for it's end, huh?





"Are you sure you can complete your tasks..? you woke up not so long ago! I can do them for you!"




A chance no one asked for.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora