Living life dangerously

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"Are you sure?" He whispered into the kiss, giving her every chance to say no. But she nodded her head slowly and pulled him back for another kiss. Her legs wrapped around his waist, causing the two to become closer and just as he was about to give into his greatest desire the screams of the town folk made them stop. He turned to see the smoke of a fire in the distance. "Fuck. We need to help." He quickly pulled up his breeches again and ran off, leaving her behind.

With a small chuckle she jumped from the barrel, smoothing out her dresses before she started to help the townspeople attempt to stop the fire with buckets of water. It wasn't until she saw Osferth that he seemed confused how she was already here before him. But he was sent away quickly to find Father Beocca as it seemed to be his house that was burning.

"Is Thyra in there?" Finan shouted out to Sihtric in the distance, and he shrugged his shoulders, he assumed everyone was at the funeral of the late King Alfred. Plus, he had avoided the service himself and ended up with Sigyn in the alley. But he couldn't tell him where he was.

"We were all sleeping after dinner, the screams alerted us." He tried to get closer to the building, but the fire was out of control now, all they could do was attempt to stop it spreading to the other buildings.

Sigyn didn't think the screams could get any louder, but that was before Father Beocca had arrived and started screaming for his wife who had been trapped inside. It was truly heart-breaking to witness, it hurt even more when she realised that no one would ever have that reaction to her.

Thankfully, the rains started, slowing the fires until all that was left behind was the destruction. Finan and Sihtric had sat with the priest, helping him to grieve and even though the rain was heavy they only left when the sun broke through and that was because of another uproar deeper into the town.

Seeing Uhtred again, after their fight didn't fill her with the hatred that she expected. Instead, she found herself just silently watching how the towns people stood behind him, how he could rally a crowd without even trying. How loyal people were to him and it made her envious. She wished to find that kind of loyalty. Her whole life had been spent following Skade, acting as her own personal bodyguard. She didn't really have a chance to live. So, if Uhtred still wanted her sword, he could have it.

But she wouldn't fight in a dress. So, while the townspeople argued amongst themselves, she disappeared. Something she had grown good at. She returned to Sihtric's home, which was now empty and attempted to salvage what she could from her old gear. It was only the belt which was in a good enough condition. With a groan she started searching the home, she found some clothes which she assumed belonged to Sihtric, but they were old. Small enough to fit her. She changed into leather breeches, using her belt to tighten them as her sword was placed in the sheath. The shirt was a little more complicated but she grabbed one of the white shirts, obviously meant for a woman and put that on first before pulling the armour over herself. It was tight on her chest, but it was better than a dress. Her hair was braided once again, her hammer of Thor put back around her neck as she headed back to the town ready for battle.

Things had calmed, people returning to their homes, and it was almost like she wasn't missed. But she saw the flash of relief across Sihtric's face as she appeared from the crowds.

"I do not think I will ever like you, Uhtred. But if you want my sword, I will protect you and your pretty boys with my life." She spoke clearly, although worried for his rejection she felt like she had found somewhere to belong. Maybe.

"We need a warrior with your heart. Bebbanburg is our next goal, but we should stay here. Until Edward is crowned King. I promised Alfred that I would watch out for him." He looked at Finan who looked like he was ready to complain. "It's just a few days, then we leave. I promise."

Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Sihtric Kjartansson | The Last Kingdomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن