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"Okay!!" Avy happily took the chocolate and broke it into 4 parts. "Here, you also eat." She gave 3 of them one piece and ate herself one piece.

''You're so humble, princess. How will you survive in this cruel world?'' Her knights thoughts to themselves.

She doesn't treat her knights or anyone who works for her poorly. Nor does she think of them as servants. She actually treats them as her friends especially, Mike, Lucas and Lia.

The atmosphere inside the car was really good. But it was the calmness before the storm. 

Suddenly a truck hit Avy's car from the side, her car got crashed and turned upside down after some rolling.  Safety bags of cars already opened rescues them from any kind of bad injuries.

Mike was the first who got out of the car and helped Avy to come out.  "Princess? Are you okay?" He asked and scanned her body. She was not injured badly except some scratches and little cuts.

"Are you guys okay?" Avy asked, holding her left hand. But she doesn't get an answer because the attackers start firing on them. Lucas helped Lia to quickly get out of the car and hide behind a big tree.

They all take cover with big trees and rocks. They took out their guns including Avy.  *Not now*  Avy hand signals them. They waited till the attackers came near them. 

Mike peaks towards them and signals everyone to start firing. As soon as attackers notice that no one is in the car, they understand that they're trapped. 

Avy came out and started firing on them. Her knights followed her and started firing while protecting Avy.

Avy aims for the attackers' important body parts to kill them in one shot, like head, stomach, heart and many more parts. 

Whole area was surrounded by passing bullets. Lia already called for more bodyguards. And Avy's team number get increased by more guards.

Soon Avy's gun got empty and Lucas passed her an AR-15 machine gun. She took an aim for the head attacker's head and shot it. One attacker hit Avy's hand with a rock and her gun fell down. 

But as soon as the attacker attacked her, she took out her daggers hidden in her clothes and fought hand to hand with them.

All the attackers attention was only on Avyanna. They just attacked on her. But They don't know that she is masters in fighting, and she defeated them easily.

The fight ends with everyone's clothes soaked in blood, not their blood but Attacker's.  "Princess? Are you fine?" Her knights and guards surrounded her and checked her.

"Y..yes, I'm fine. Just some small cuts." Avy says and looks at them. They were more injured than her.  

"Lia, call the doctor." Avyanna commanded. No one questioned her again and went to check the attacker's body.

Avy found a small note from the head attacker's body.

If you're reading this letter then you already killed my men.
Good because, I couldn't expect less from you, Amour~ 😉
I'll come back to capture you.
Your lovely enemy~.

She read the letter and a disgusting feeling took over her. She throws the note and stands against a tree to take deep breaths to calm herself. 

Mike, Lucas and Lia saw her throwing the note and they picked up and read it.

Their blood boils as they read it.  "That fucker is still didn't give up." Lia cursed and put the note in her pocket. Mike went near Avy and looked at her.  "Princess, please let us do your bandage." 

"First go and treat everyone including yourself then treat me." Avy says looking towards the dark sky, dazzling with shining stars. 

They noticed that Avy's face is not happy anymore and her dark aura and clenched jaw was visible.

They did as she said as soon as possible so they could treat her too. Avy silently let Lia do her bandage, and didn't even hissed when Lia cleaned her wounds or put antiseptic.

After that they all changed their clothes in Avy's van. This van has her clothes so she can change anytime she wants. 

It was past 10 PM, when they reached home. Four of them quietly walked inside the castle. But get caught by her family.


THE QUEEN OF MY HEARTWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt