Excited about University

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[In call]
Ven: hmm
Log: hiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ( shouting through his phone)
Ven: log stop shouting its irritating
Log: are you dating someone or what??
Ven:wtf log what made you ask this shitty question?
Log: well i was just overthinking shits cuz firstly you was very late to pic my call and now you just made me feel ignored
Ven: log i was just busy bby ,you know right our dad always make me stressed
Log: its alright hia, im really excited about tomorrow
Ven: tomorrow ?what's special?
Log: hia it's my first day of uni  tomorrow
Ven: oh yeah (he fucked up)I knew it log i was just teasing you
Log: haaa i thougt you really forgot about that
Ven: hmm  [awkward laugh]
Ven: i will call you later log bye
Log : bye hia
[End call]
It was a short part cuz its just the beginning i hope you all likes it
◇In This novel ven is log's brother

THE WAY HE IS ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ