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~Kazumi POV~

"Ok guys. This is it. The last painting." Riki said. "I'm assuming you haven't made a decision yet Kazumi?" I turned my head away.

"Well, anyway it's called 'Never Alone'. It's a picture of a girl with wind blowing cherry blossoms by her." he explained.

"Meet here at 10:00. Don't. Be. Late."

~Time Skip~

"What do you think Mana?" I asked after explaining my weird er...dream?

"Your most likely remembering the memories sealed away." she said.

" dad is really dead huh?" I asked waveringly. She gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Kazu-chan. At least you know instead of living in ignorance or what-ifs." She said trying to cheer me up. I nodded forcing a smile.

"That also means my sister and mom could still be alive!" I grinned. She grinned back. "That's the spirit!" Leave it to Mana to cheer me up.

~Time Skip~

Riki, Kenshi, and I ran as quietly as possible. We dodged traps and his from cameras. But thoughts plagued my mind. I tried shaking them off. "Focus." I muttered.

Riki picked the lock while Kenshi and I watched for security or cops. "We are in."

"Hurry up and get the painting. The police are on the way." Takuto said.

"It's the 4th painting to the right." Hiro said after.

We got the painting and ran through the halls narrowly avoiding security guards. When we finally made it, again police cars pulled up. They didn't notice us sneak away.

~Time Skip~

"Ew Beardy get away."


"Because your a Beardy."

Riki rolled his eyes, Hiro started singing ~Takkun is a tsundere~, Kenshi and I snickered.

Once again they got drunk.

"Kaaaaaazzzzzzzzuuuuuuu paaaaay attentioooooon to meeeeeeee." Riki whined clawing at my leg.

"Um how about no."

"Soooo meeeeeean!"

"Kazumi stop talking to him! Watch me hack this government file 😆!"


"KAZUMI DRINK WITH ME! *hiccup* HAPPY TIMES!" Kenshi yelled. I sweat-dropped and stepped back.

"Let's go to bed Kazumi~" Hiro winked. I was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Ha. Good luck." Boss said. I cracked a smile. At least he was talking to me.

~Third Person POV~

The Black Foxes happy times were interrupted by the opening of the door. "Wjat the hell? I locked it!" Atsumu muttered.

A tall slender girl with pink hair tied into a pony tail and pink eyes that glittered with excitement stepped in.

Kazumi and Atsumu froze. The girl smiled so sweetly it was sick. "What's the matter little sis? Not going to hug me? Hm? No? Then I will hug you!" The drunks were passed out on the floor.

The girl pulled Kazumi into a hug. Kazumi tried to break free. "N-No!" She yelled struggling. Boss stood up.

"It's okay little sis. Just stop struggling. It will all be over." Boss hurriedly tried to attack the girl but a man who just came in knocked him unconscious. The girl pricked Kazumi's neck with a needle. Soon her struggles became weaker. "N-ng..."

"See? All better!" The girl smiled crazed as she slowly entered the concoction into Kazumi. "" she whispered before passing out into a memory that would have easily avoided this situation.

(Continuation of last memory)

"Okay I believe you..." the little girl sniffled. The older girls face broke out into a crazed grin "BHAHAHAHAHA! You are so stupid! It's so hilarious!" The older girl cackled.

"W-what?" The tiny girl stepped back. "I killed that fucker easy! But you were so damn naive you didn't see it! HAHAHAHA!"

"No! Nee-chan you didn't!" The girl sobbed. The older girl slammed her against a wall. "I did. And now... I'm doing the same to you." She smiled crazily bringing out her bloody knife. "NO! PLEASE! NEE-CHAN DON'T!" The girl screamed.

The older girl only cackled louder before plunging the knife in her chest. The little girl screamed before going limp.

The girl laughed and laughed as she walked away.


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