... right?

We're over now.

This is what I wanted.



"Two minutes everyone!" The voice booms through the room, catching my attention. It brings me back to reality.

I shake my head, inhaling and exhaling. I do everything I can. I stretch my body, I practice the dance, I drink water over and over— but nothing can prepare me for this.

I have to dance with him. I have to dance with him in a way I've never danced with anyone. I have to make it seem like I want him, need him, even. I have to act like I'm about to cry when I see him.

I take a deep breath. A minute left.

What did I do?

Do I scream? Do I cry now? Do I tell them I can't do it? What do I do to make this easier?

Thirty seconds.

Oh my god.

Should I run?

I turn my head to the exit. The bright red lettering is the only source of light in that corner, making it more desirable. I can be in the dark. I can be alone. I can walk out the door, and never have to see him again.



I'm going.

I run out onto the dark stage, looking out at all the people. I can't believe I was going to run. These people are waiting for us, for me, to perform. I couldn't run.

But... it's him.

I take a deep breath before getting in position. I sit on the floor, not looking at him as he walks closer to me. His gets down on my level, our eyes meeting.

I swear, I feel the world stop when he looks at me. I want to cry. No I don't. I want to kiss him. Yes I do. What.

"Hi Hyunjin." He whispers.

I didn't expect him to say anything. I watch his face as he speaks. He doesn't seem upset, but he isn't really happy. He looks nervous, scared. Like he doesn't know what I'm going to say.

"Just shut up and focus." I mutter, and it causes him to suck in a breath.

I want to do something. Anything. His hands are on my body, and it's driving me nuts. My attention refocuses when the music starts though, and I immediately focus on my body, and the music.

It's going so good. I don't miss a single beat. Me and Minho made eye contact plenty of times, because the dance is that way. Every time he has to touch me, or when we touched each other....

It felt like heaven.

God, I miss him.

I run of to the side of the stage, catching my breath before I run back in. I pant, hitting my chest a few times. I may be pushing myself a little too much. My body isn't in the right condition to be dancing like this, but that's not going to stop me.

I look across the stage, meeting eyes with Minho. He is already looking at me, and it makes me want to look away fast. He gives me a little smile. I have to fight the urge to smile back.

I'm still mad. Really mad. I can't just forgive him or myself so easily, it's not like that. Well, it could be. If I could just let some things go. But this isn't on me, it's on him. Yeah?

I don't have time to debate about this. I take a deep breath before running back out on stage, continuing the dance right away. A certain part is coming up, and I don't think I'm ready for it.

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