I looked at him all over and then I just went "ok. Rest well then." And I proceeded to walk off.

Forth grabbed my hand and pulled me back. I ended up bumping against his chest. I pulled my hand away and he turned me around immediately.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to my dorm Forth. You seem more than capable of taking care of yourself."

"Park. Stop shutting me out. You know that's not what I meant. I just don't want you to worry."

"The more you try to hide things from me, the more I worry. Don't you get it?! I just don't like knowing you are hurt or ill or injured. And here you are, going off getting injured and downplaying it. And the more you say, don worry, the more I automatically just worry. Damn it!"

I ended up losing my temper at Forth who was stunned by me. Just then, Lam came by.

"Hey! How are you now?"

Forth looked at him blankly. I just looked at my feet, not wanting to look at either one, knowing my face was damn red and I was about to burst a vein. Lam could tell so he was trying to keep it casual. All that could flip the table would be Forth's answer. If he says that he is fine, I'm out of this stupid place.

"I'm.. healing. Its painful, the arm but the head is better. Park came by to pick me up to go to his dorm but I'm trying to convince him to stay over instead."

I didn't hear anything at all and then all I heard Lam say was, "Good to know that. Well listen to Park. But it's late already so Park, just stay over and you can still look after Forth."

"Yea I can do with the looking after."

I just nodded my head, not looking at either of them. Lam just patted me on my shoulder before walking away. He usually took the stairs and I am sure he would have heard my voice.

Forth grabbed my hand and pulled me in. I closed the door and just stood facing it for a while trying to lull my breathing to an even pace. Forth hugged me from the back, resting his face against my hair.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything and I just turned to hug him back instead. It's the first time I ever reciprocated and he didn't let go. I didn't either. We just stood like that for a bit. Finally we pulled away and he looked at me.

"Are we OK?"

I looked at him before finally nodding a yes. He filled me in on what happened in lab as I took a quick shower and ordered some food for us. We had ramen and some green tea. I went out to the balcony to smoke whilst Forth wanted to change. But I turned to see that he was struggling.

"Come here. Let me help you with the shirt."

Forth came to me and I just left the cig hanging from my mouth as I took the shirt and slid it on for him, ensuring minimal movement to his hand as much as possible. I took the cigarette out and turned around to stub it away before turning back to Forth.

"OK? Comfortable?"

Forth nodded though his face was a little red.

"Are you ok? Why do you look so red?"

"Ah. Not sure. I'm good."

I cocked my head and looked at him thoughtfully. I felt Forth's forehead but it was fine. Forth just smiled at me and I did so in reciprocation.

"Let's get some sleep, ok?"

He agreed and we went to bed. However I could see he was trying to be comfortable. I raised myself on the bed and inched closer to him. I pulled Forth towards me.

"Lie here, on my chest if you want. You can put the hand around me so that you wouldn't accidentally sleep on it ok?"

Forth nodded and laid comfortably on my chest. He looked at me and I just smiled at him. Then without even realizing what the heck I was attempting  to do, I just leaned in and kissed him on his forehead gently. Nowhere near that wound of his but I was as gentle as I could be. Forth just looked back at me blankly.

I think he was as stunned as I was. I don't even know if I had intended to do that and if you ask me why I did it, I prolly definitely can't answer it.

But all I can tell, it felt right doing it and I am glad I did.

And going by how Forth just continued lying down and slowly drifted off to sleep, believe its ok with him too.

My Best Lover, is he? [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now