The ghost and Errors

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(This chapter isn't going to be based on any of Bryan's videos)

"JJ? But- what?" I tried asking questions but I couldn't.... Really find the right one. "Let me start from the beginning. I was looking for a job so I can move into my own place, my younger brother, Marco 12 at the time saw an ad for Freddy's pizzeria! Blah blah blah, 3? 4 months past? Anyways heading home, but the car didn't start so I walked, then killed by a furry.." she stopped as she looked at me, "does this make me a furry? Anyways! Killed, discovered by some joggers, then stolen but the same guy that killed me, stuffed into our old suit, and barely now, I'm able to get out and interact with only you, and other objects...but I wonder, " She thought to herself as she flew right into my face as i blacked out.

?? Pov:

I looked around, I'm in control of her suit? I looked around in confusion, wondering how I got here, As  heard something from outside the room, "uhm Clover? Are you alright" I heard an annoying voice, Must be their friend, the 'bryan' person"clover?"
"Clover isn't here, Dear Bryan" I told him with a snicker, "what? What do you mean?" He asked me, so stupid, "of course someone like you wouldn't understand what's happening."
"Uh? Why are you acting like this"
"What? Oh because I'm not being How soft and pitiful they both became?"
"What? 'they?' Who's they?"
"ugh just question after questions for you huh? Well, clover and Judith of course." I told him, leaving him confused, "Judith? "
"Uh duh, Jocelyn Jones?"
"Jones.. You mean JJ?"
"PFT! JJ? What in hell kind of name is that! but indeed, 'JJ' " still laughing over the name 'jj? how reticules' I thought to myself, then I realized how fun it might be to cause a bit of chaos, Might even do a small kill, I mean I've been trapped in the hell hole for years now! Looking at Bryan, 'first victim' I thought to myself as I tensed my fingers, the mechanical claws popping up, "well thanks for the chat, but I have a world to burn' I said running up to him and he realizes what was happening, freezing, but I  blacked out, before I could even scratch him.

Bryan's POV:

'What the heck just happened!' I thought to myself, looking at 'clover' well if it even is her!, So many questions rushed through my head before she powered on again, looking at me I ran behind the door, "clover? That you?"
"Uh yeah? Why wouldn't it be?" I sighed in relief, "why what happened?" Clover asked confused,
"Ah.. nothing. I'm just going to bed "
"Uh alright, have a good rest"

Hello my dear readers, I apologize for the short chapters, I just felt like I needed to post some so I can keep all of you here, But I'll make another chapter in a bit. I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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