A corpse

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Narrator POV

Once Bryan, baby, foxy, Ned bear, Orville fun time foxy came out of the portal. Bryan sees Spring Bonnie. Molten. Lefty by the boxes looked like they were ready to throw up.some of the animatronic left. Leaving Bryan. Ballora.baby.foxy."Uhh.are you guys alright? " ballora asked them 3."lest then alright! Bryan! Where did you get that animatronic!? "
"Um what? "
"Where. Did you! Get Clover! " he asked. grabbing him "um just around back why-"
"So stupid! You didn't bother to check inside her?! "
Spring Bonnie asked more serious. "Just tell me what's going on! " Bryan yelled "Clover has a b-"
"Why are you all yelling? " The parts and service door opens as the smell flooded into the portal room , "clover get back in the room! "
"ugh! It smells like something died in there! " Bryan yelled "if you guys aren't gonna tell me I'm just gonna gooo.. "
"What?! No I'm trying to tell you! " spring Bonnie yelled at him. As every one started talking over each other as Bryan made his escape, he opened the entrance door "bye guys!"
" Bryan!" Molten yelled
"Bryan! So stupid! "
"Wait wait wait!" Foxy yelled "what happened?? Show me! "
"You sure buddy? " lefty asked.
he opened the door and closed it
A scream was heard as he opened the door shutting it. "What... What the heck! Is that? "
Lefty nodded his head "oh.. I think Ima be sick.. " be said gagging but impossible to throw up. "Hello? What's happening? Are you alright foxy?" Clover yelled from the other side of the door. "What's happening? Who? Who is that? " baby asked "there's... A *gag* rotting corpses in her..suit! The eyes falling out of the sockets, blood down-" "spring Bonnie! No detail! " foxy said still gagging. "Oh my.. But who is 'that' what foxy said"
"We don't know who it is! "
Molten yelled huddled in the Conner Surprisingly scard."what do we. do with it? " baby asked the
"Well get rid of it?! Police! Hello? "
Foxy said. Then molten stopped "if you are going to do that. Allowing me to throw it out"
"Woah? Molten offered something" lefty said trying to lighten the mood. "No! Is anyone listening to me?! 9-1-1! Let them deal with it! "
Foxy told them. "Ok ok! I'm gonna ask Clover some questions to try and figure out who that is. "
Spring Bonnie said taking a deep breath "anyone is welcome to join me but not you baby. You stay here. " he said as only lefty ballora baby stayed. "What? What's happening?"
"Clover.where going to tell you everything. Just don't freak. Out. "
Spring Bonnie said "screw that! Clover! Why is there a rotting corpse. In you?! " foxy yelled. "Foxy!-"
"What?- stop fucking around foxy, not funny"
"He isn't lying. "
"And I should...should believe you? " she asked getting nervous. "It's true clover. Now I'm -"
"No! Stop fuckn lying!... There.. "
"Calm down clover. It will be ok"
"Ok?! Ok!? Your telling me that there's a rotting corpse in me, And expect me to be calm!? "
"Shut up and let him ask the damn question! " molten snapped getting tired of the cycle.
As they all stopped talking. ".. Ok do you know how that happened? "
He asked. She shook her head still processing what's happening. "Lefty did have a theory. That's what happened with, baby and ballora, is happening to her. "
"That's or the animatronic killed a person"
"What?! "
"There was some incident that happens.. With an animatronic... A couple of times.. "
"Wh-WHAT! "
"OK um how did you die then? "

A glitch screen appears in her eyes over the 3 animatronics in there. Not able to see properly. "No! Please! No no no! "

W. Angel: Mostly like show times Steve's flashbacks ~•

"Wow, what's happening?!"
Foxy asked as S. Bonnie stepped closer to you "no stay back! Stay fucking Back you bitch of a rabbit-! " she stopped as she let out a scream.
As foxy froze in place

'I heard a scream last night. Probably some teenagers pranking each other. '

"Foxy? "
"The.. The last time I saw JJ.. There was that!
Scream in the woods." He explained, as clover power off.
"It was her! It's JJ! "
Foxy told them feeling guilty though it wasn't hes fault. If he could go and envesagsted, her skull was almost in 2.hr wouldn't be able to save her if he tried. But he still felt guilty. They explain everything to baby, left and ballora.

They all choose not to tell Bryan. Yes how bad that will be. But they just couldn't tell him, And how he would react if they did.

Yeah this was short
But I finished it! so the next one will be later on when they all switched bodies. I think I'm not going to do all of the episodes and do a decent amount of episodes.

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