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We ended up at an island not too far from White City. Most of the food I had grabbed was eaten, and we ran out of things. "Come on Law," I smiled, taking his hand as we entered the town. I walked threw Spider Miles port, looking for a place where Law and I could sleep. We needed a place to stay and because I didn't have any money, that run-down place, that so happened to be a waste processing plant factory.

"You wait here." I left Law and walked to one of the buildings. "Hello?" I opened the door and peeked my head in, looking around. I walked in and looked around. The room didn't look abandoned, far from it. The room seemed rather luxurious. "Behehe looks like an intruder," I whisper my head around to the door. 

A man stood there with snot hanging from his nose. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone lived here." I took a step back, bumping into something. Someone's hands were placed on my shoulders, turning me around. "You're quite beautiful." The man I was facing had on pink-tinted glasses. When I got a better look at him I saw that he was very tall and towered over me. He had light blond spiky hair, he was a very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He had earrings in each ear, wearing a pink feathery coat. 

I opened my mouth to speak before the door smashed open. I looked to see what had happened, only to gasp in shock. "L-law," I muttered in shock. Strapped around Law's waist and chest were hand bombs. "I wanna join your crew!" He screamed. I started to feel light-headed, dropping to my knees. I couldn't breathe properly and soon passed out. 

I woke up, staring at the ceiling. I jumped out of bed only to see Law laying on my lap. I shook the boy to wake him. "W-what?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "What going on?" I asked. "Oh, after you passed out, I convinced Doflamingo to let me join his pirate crew. I told them I was going to die so I didn't care if I got killed." He explained. "Doflamingo?" 

"The man with the feathery coat." Law clarified. "They said you could stick around." I nodded my head and got up. Law grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door, opening it and pulling me out. I walked with him, passing some people as I did. Law stopped and walked up to two men, talking with them. Law looked over to me and nodded his head, walking back. He grabbed my hand again and pulled me alone, stopping at another door. 

He knocked on it and waited till he heard a 'come-in'. He opened the door and pushed me in. "You wanted to see her," Law spoke, a man in a chair spinning it around. "Yes, so nice to see you again." I looked to Law, unsure. "You're welcome to stay here, for a price that is." The man spoke. "I can cook," I suggested. "And since you're pirates I assume you get injured a lot, so I could help." The man stood up and walked to me, putting his hand out. "Doflamingo," He smiled. I placed my hand in his and shook it. "Y/n." I answered back.

"Tell me Y/n. Are you Law's older sister?" He asked. I looked down at Law and then back to the man. "No, I use to know his father," I explained. The man - Doflamingo - nodded his head and walked back to his desk. "Alright then Y/n, you will cook and be our temporary doctor. But for now, go an introduce yourself to the rest of the crew." Doflamingo told me where his crew was. I nodded my head and walked off, going in the direction Dolfamingo told me to.

I grabbed Law's hand and wander down the hallway. Law slid his hand out from mine and walked off. I greeted everyone and stood by an empty chair, having a little chat with them. The men told me their names and talked with Law, while another two children popped up in the window. "Hey guess what Diamante!" The chubby boy yelled. "Yeah, guess what Trebol." The girl joined in. 

The sound of footsteps on the metal stairs could be heard outside as the children giggled, Law stood by the door. "See them, that's Buffalo and Baby five. The only ones remaining." The man said - Diamante if I remember correctly. Baby five climbed threw the window standing next to Law as Buffalo tried getting in. "Well, what do you want?" Diamante spat. "Corazon's on his way here now!" Baby five exclaimed, just before the door opened. 

A tall man stood by the doorway. He had golden-blonde hair, pale skin, and sharp, reddish-brown eyes that could be seen through his dark sunglasses. He was wearing a dark red hood from which two heart-like shapes hang, a pair of white jeans, a black feathery coat much like Doflamingo's, and a white shirt with pink hearts printed all over it. His hair was styled long, as it came close to his eyes. This Corazon man had makeup over his eyes and mouth.

He took a step forward and fell back, making Baby five and Buffalo burst out laughing. I took a step towards him to see if he was ok. He grunted as he got up, with no visible injuries. I sigh with relief as Baby five and Buffalo chanted 'fall on your butt'. The man sat there before slapping the children, making them fly. 

I gasped and covered my mouth, the man walked near me and sat on the chair. I looked at him, before looking back at the children. Corazon crossed his legs and looked up at me before looking back at his lap. Trebol started speaking as Baby five got up and walked away. I sighed again, seeing that she was ok. 

She came back with a cup of tea, steaming coming from the top of the cup. "Heya Cora, I brought you a cup of tea. It's real hot." She smiled, handing the hot cup of tea to the man sitting beside me. He took it and brang it up to his mouth, taking a sip before spitting it all out and falling to the ground. 

I quickly scrambled to the man's side and helped him up. "Are you alright?" I asked, earning a nod. After Baby five was done laughing, she started to clean up the mess. The man Corazon still had some tea on his chin, so I move and grabbed a tissue, wiping his chin. He gave me another nod. "Corazon, did you finish the job?" Diamanate asked. Corazon nodded his head. "Then hand over my cut. We've got to make sure there's transparency when it comes to dealing with money." 

"Law, was it?" My eyes looked over to Law as Corazon stood up. "This guy who just came back is an executive, his name is Corazon. He may come across as a thick-headed klutz, but trust is he comes from a powerful bloodline. That is to say that he's Doffys little brother. As a side note, he doesn't take anymore because of some past trauma." Even though Diamante wasn't talking to me, I still listen. I found it rather interesting. Corazon seems to be hiding something, that's my thoughts, I don't really know if it's true. 

"Oh right," I snapped out of my thoughts when Corazon grabbed Law's head, making me raise a brow. "He hates kids." Corzon picked Law up and started running to the window, making me take a step forward. "So watch out," I scream when Corazon threw Law out the window to the ground below. "Law!" I yelled, running to the window.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed, slapping Corazon's arm and running out the door. I ran down the steps, running to where Law had fallen. "Law!" I gasped, seeing his bleeding head. I tore a bit of my shirt and applied pressure to his head, wiping his nose with my thumb. "I'm going to kill him," Law mumbled. I smacked his back. "Don't say that," I hissed, looking at the man who was lighting a cigarette before his coat caught fire and he started rolling around. I wanted to help, but my bigger priority was Law.

 I wanted to help, but my bigger priority was Law

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